re模块, 常用写法

import re

def abs_string():

s_string = '

def test_TC_12633_ARM5505(self):
Create a new dimension from property - AssetClass
self.case_id = 93097
property = "MS_Category"
dimension = "AssetClass"'Create custom property from APX custom Peroperty: {0} mapping to dimension: {1}'.format(property, dimension))

# 正则提取
p_id = 'self.case_id = (.*?)\n' # \n 换行
p_name = 'def test_TC_.*?\(' # \(, "\" 转义

id = re.findall(p_id, s_string, re.S) # get self.case_id = 93097
name = re.findall(p_name, s_string, re.S) # get test_TC_12633_ARM5505(self)



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