1.IEAI2021由ACM新加坡分会赞助举办,它是MSIE 2021的分会。
2.被接收的文章会被发表在ACM国际论文集上,并被EI Compendex, Scopus, Thomson Reuters (WoS)等知名数据库检索。
3.来自台湾国立清华大学的简祯富教授, 中国北京大学的徐扬教授以及南加州大学的Maged M. Dessouky教授将作为大会的发言人。
电话号码: 06-4803-5555
会议专员:  陆小姐

General Information

2021 2nd International conference on Industrial Engineering and Artificial Intelligence (IEAI 2021) is the workshop of MSIE 2021, it will be held together with the main conference in Osaka, Japan, 2-4 April , 2021.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is an area of computer science that emphasizes the creation of intelligent machines that work and react like humans. With the help of Artificial Intelligence (AI),  blockchain not only benefits but also provides returns. AI in return gets more information and that helps the system’s evolutionary process. Furthermore, the more sophisticated the AI becomes efficient. Industrial artificial intelligence, or industrial AI, usually refers to the application of artificial intelligence to industry. Unlike general artificial intelligence which is a frontier research discipline to build computerized systems that perform tasks requiring human intelligence, industrial AI is more concerned with the application of such technologies to address industrial pain-points for customer value creation, productivity improvement, and insight discovery. IEAI 2021 is meant for researchers from academia, industries and research & development organizations all over the globe interested in the areas of Industrial Engineering and Artificial Intelligence. It would be beneficial to bring together a group of experts from diverse fields to discuss recent progress and to share ideas on open questions. The conference will feature world-class keynote speakers in the main areas.  Let us join in IEAI 2021 to enjoy the discussion!

We realise that the spread of the COVID-19  may leave you feeling concerned, and the health and safety of our attendees must be our utmost concern. In light of global precautions for the COVID-19 Coronavirus, and building upon recommendations from the World Health Organization, we opened online presentation session. Any question about the online presentation, please feel free to contact: ieai@acm-sg.net.

2021年第二届工业工程与人工智能国际会议(IEAI 2021)是MSIE 2021的研讨会,它将与主要会议一起于2021年4月2-4日在日本大阪举行。

人工智能(AI)是计算机科学领域,它强调创建像人一样工作和反应的智能机器。在人工智能(AI)的帮助下,区块链不仅受益,而且还提供回报。反过来,AI将获得更多信息,这有助于系统的进化过程。此外,AI越复杂,效率就越高。工业人工智能或工业AI通常是指人工智能在工业中的应用。与一般的人工智能不同,后者是建立执行需要人类智能的任务的计算机系统的前沿研究学科,而工业AI则更关注此类技术的应用,以解决为客户创造价值,提高生产率和发现见识的工业难题。 IEAI 2021适用于全球范围内对工业工程和人工智能领域感兴趣的学术界,行业和研究与开发组织的研究人员。召集来自不同领域的专家小组讨论最新进展并就未决问题分享想法将是有益的。会议将在主要领域邀请世界一流的主题演讲者。让我们加入IEAI 2021享受讨论吧!



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