holiday12--linux basis

super user(root)

  • In linux, account root usually use for system maintain and managerment ,it has all access permission for all resources of system
  • In most linux system version,not recommended use root account log in system directly


  • su is abbreviation of substitute user , repersent use another user
  • sudo command used to execute commands in othter user , default identity is root

group managerment command

tips:add/delete group must execute as root

add/delete group

command action
groupadd [group name] add group
groupdel [group name] delete group
cat /etc/group make sure group information
chgrp -R [group name] [file/directory] recursive modify the group of file directory

user managerment command

tips:add/delete user or modify other users password must execute as root

add/delete user and change password

command action description
useradd -m -g [grup] [new user] add new user -m automatically create home directory, -g appoint the user's group, otherwise will create a group which has same name with user
passwd user set user's password if you are normal user, you can use passwd command to change password directly
userdel -r [user name] delete user -r option will delete home directory automatically

cat /etc/passwd | grep [user name] #make sure user's information


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