

  • 创建a1

user a1 connection limit-1 password '123456';

alter user a1 SUPERUSER;

grant create
database "test" to "a1" with grant option;

grant temporary on
database "test" to "a1" with grant option;

grant temp on
database "test" to "a1" with grant option;

grant connect on
database "test" to "a1" with grant option;

  • 创建a2

user a2 connection limit-1 password '123456';

alter user a2 SUPERUSER;

grant create
database "test" to "a2" with grant option;

grant temporary on
database "test" to "a2" with grant option;

grant temp on
database "test" to "a2" with grant option;

grant connect on
database "test" to "a2" with grant option;


create schema a1schema;

create table a1schema.t1(id int);

create schema a2schema;

create table a2schema.t2(id int);

insert into a2schema.t2 values(111111111);


  • 创建视图

CREATE VIEW "a1".v_t2 AS select id from a2.t2;

  • 创建同义词

create synonym t2 for v_t2;

  • 访问t2

selet * from t2


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