
原文标题:Announcing dual-screen preview SDKs and Microsoft 365 Developer Day



  • 1.上手预览版的SDK,了解对程序和网站的新标准
  • 2.对双屏设备保持积极的态度
  • 3.通过参加Microsoft 365开发者日来了解更多

1) 上手预览版的SDK,了解对程序和网站的新标准

我们非常开心地宣布:针对Microsoft Surface Duo的预览版SDK即将发布,而且针对Windows 10新版本的预览版SDK也将在接下来的几周内发布。我们同样在此激动地公布能够保证双屏设备(包括Android和Windows 10X)在网页浏览和PWA下最佳体验的新的网页标准。这些新标准将提供适配时所需的新能力和新工具。

下载针对Microsoft Surface Duo的预览版SDK

今天起,开发者们就可以下载针对Surface Duo的预览版SDK,浏览文档和最佳实践示例,查看UX设计模板等。这些工具可以让开发者们在第一时间了解发挥双屏设备的优势的最佳方法。


  • 支持对双屏设备Surface Duo开发的Native Java API。包括 DisplayMask API,Hinge Angle Sensor以及一些双屏设备的新功能
  • 一个集成在Android Studio中包含Surface Duo外观的Android模拟器。有了它,你无需拥有一台Surface Duo就可以测试你的app,比如利用模拟器模拟不同的旋转方向, 手势操作, 铰链角度,甚至是两个屏幕之间的接缝等。之后我们也会持续的为它增加新的功能。
  • 要求:安装Android StudioAndroid模拟器


图1:包含Surface Duo外观的Android模拟器

针对Windows 10X的早期开发

在接下来的几周内,开发者们将可以通过预览通道获取到预发布版本的Windows SDK。我们希望在2月11日为你提供拥有对双屏支持的API的Microsoft® Emulator,文档以及代码示例。


  • 允许你开发可以在双屏设备中跨越两个屏幕,检测铰链位置,并且充分利用Windows 10X的众多Native Windows API
  • Microsoft Emulator是一个双屏的Hyper-V模拟器,所以你可以部署现有的UWP平台和Win32应用程序,并且在单屏和双屏的场景下进行测试。模拟器可以模拟真实设备,所以你可以看到你的app在Windows 10X下是如何进行交互的。
  • 要求:最新推送的Windows 体验预览计划版(64-bit,企业版或教育版),4核 64-bit的CPU,8GB的内存(此为最低要求,建议为16GB),支持Hyper-V和Direct X 11.0或更高版本的专用GPU

图2:展示Windows 10X的Microsoft Emulator


使用Chromium内核的全新Microsoft Edge已在上周发布,它可以为用户提供横跨各个设备的网页浏览和Web App使用体验。我们正在积极准备新功能,使Web内容无论在浏览器中,或者是作为App被安装,都可以在双屏设备上拥有不错的体验。

  • 双屏环境下新的Web标准:我们建议使用CSS原语来实现双屏环境下的排版,并且使用JS窗口段枚举API来为Web开发者提供Web平台原语来检测多个显示并在其中布局内容。我们希望尽快通过预览版的浏览器来提供这些 (测试版) 特性。
  • 双屏:

The new Microsoft Edge released last week, provides a powerful and compatible foundation for website and web app experiences across devices, powered by Chromium. We are actively incubating new capabilities that enable web content to provide a great experience on dual-screen devices, whether it’s running in the browser or installed as an app.


In November, we shared our vision for dual-screen devices and how this new device category will help people get more done on smaller and more mobile form factors. Today, we are excited to give you an update on how you can get started and optimize for dual-screen devices by:

  1. Exploring preview SDKs and standards proposals for apps and websites
  2. Embracing dual-screen experiences
  3. Learning more at Microsoft 365 Developer Day

1) Exploring preview SDKs and standards proposals for apps and websites

We are happy to announce the availability of the preview SDK for Microsoft Surface Duo, and availability in the coming weeks for the preview SDK for Windows 10. We are also excited to announce new web standards proposals to enable dual-screen experiences for websites and PWAs on both Android and Windows 10X. These new web standards proposals will provide you with the capabilities and tools you need for dual-screen devices.

Download the preview SDK for Microsoft Surface Duo

Today, developers can download the preview SDK for Surface Duo, access documentation and samples for best practices, see UX design patterns, and more. The preview SDK gives developers a first look at how you can take advantage of dual-screen experiences.

This includes:

  • Native Java APIs to support dual-screen development for the Surface Duo device, including the DisplayMask API, Hinge Angle Sensor, and new device capabilities.
  • An Android Emulator with a preview Surface Duo image that is integrated into Android Studio so you can test your app without a physical device. The emulator simulates postures, gestures, hinge angle, mimicking the seam between the two screens, and more. We’ll continue to add functionality over time.
  • Requirements: For the Android Studio and Android Emulator.

We will have more announcements and discussion in the coming months and look forward to hearing your feedback.

Figure 1: The Android Emulator with a preview Surface Duo image

An early look at developing for Windows 10X

In the coming weeks, developers will have access to a pre-release version of the Windows SDK through the standard Insider builds. Our intent is to provide you with the Microsoft® Emulator on February 11th as well as new APIs for dual-screen support, documentation, and code samples.

This includes:

  • Native Windows APIs for dual-screen development to enable your app to span the two screens, detect the hinge position, and take advantage of Windows 10X.
  • Microsoft Emulator is a dual-screen Hyper-V emulator so you can deploy your existing Universal Windows Platform (UWP) and Win32 apps and test in both single-and dual-screen scenarios. The emulator simulates the physical device so you can see how your apps interact with Windows 10X.
  • Requirements: A recent Windows Insiders preview build of 64-bit Windows 10 (Pro, Enterprise, or Education), 64bit CPU with 4 cores, 8GB minimum (16GB of RAM recommended), Hyper-V enabled and dedicated GPU that supports Direct X 11.0 or later.

Figure 2: Microsoft Emulator showing Windows 10X

Build dual-screen experiences on the web

The new Microsoft Edge released last week, provides a powerful and compatible foundation for website and web app experiences across devices, powered by Chromium. We are actively incubating new capabilities that enable web content to provide a great experience on dual-screen devices, whether it’s running in the browser or installed as an app.

  • New web standards for dual-screen layout: We are proposing CSS primitives for dual-screen layouts and a JavaScript Window Segments Enumeration API to provide web platform primitives for web developers to detect multiple displays and lay out content across them. We expect to provide an experimental implementation of these features in preview builds of the browser soon.
  • Dual-screen polyfills: As the above features progress through the web standards process, we’ve published polyfills that you can write against as you begin to explore dual-screen development. You can find the polyfills and associated documentation at:
  • Progressive Web Apps are supported out of the box in the new Microsoft Edge, which can be installed directly from the browser on Windows 10X and Android. PWAs will support the same dual-screen layout features and tools as the browser.

We’ll have more to share about building for dual-screen devices with web technologies over the coming months – watch the Microsoft Edge blog for more details.

2) Embracing dual-screen experiences

Dual-screen devices creates an opportunity for your apps to delight people in a new and innovative way. To help you get started, we are providing you with basic support checklists for touch and pen and drag and drop and initial app pattern ideas to ensure your apps work great on dual-screen devices.

Figure 3: Dual-screen app patterns

Your app by default will occupy a single screen, but users can span the app to cover both screens when the device is in a double-portrait or double-landscape layout. You can programmatically enable full-screen mode for your app at any time, but spanning is limited to user activity for now.

Figure 4: Dual-screen orientation and layout.

or those who are interested in native cross-platform development using React Native or Xamarin.Forms, we are working on improvements to those frameworks and code samples. You can find the all dual-screen checklists, app patterns, and new code samples as they become available on our dual-screen documentation site. Please reach out to us at dualscreendev@microsoft.com so we can work with you to idealize and innovate great dual-screen experiences together.

3) Learning more at Microsoft 365 Developer Day – Dual-Screen Experiences

Please join us online for the Microsoft 365 Developer Day, focused on dual-screen experiences on Tuesday, February 11th at 8:30 AM PDT. The keynote and sessions will show how to:

  • Get the most out of these SDKs and emulators
  • Use cross platform tools and languages
  • Design apps for dual-screen devices
  • Build dual-screen experiences on the web
  • Connect your apps with Microsoft 365

We hope that you will join us, and we are excited to see what dual-screen experiences you build.

转载自 Windows团队博客 ,本人随缘佛系翻译,一切内容以英文原文为准,本译文仅供参考。


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