
brew install nasm
  • code

msg: db "hello world", 0x0a
len: equ $-msg SECTION .text
global _main kernel:
ret _main:
mov rax,0x2000004
mov rdi,1
mov rsi,msg
mov rdx,len
call kernel mov rax,0x2000001
mov rdi,0
call kernel
  • 编译
nasm -f macho64 -o asm1.o asm1.asm
  • 错误链接命令

    ld -o asm1 -e _main asm1.o
  • 提示如下

    ld: dynamic main executables must link with libSystem.dylib for architecture x86_64
  • 正确链接

# 方式一   -macosx_version_min 10.15你的Mac版本
ld -o asm1 -e _main asm1.o -macosx_version_min 10.15 -static
# 方式二 ,会提示警告 ,如下
ld -o asm1 -e _main asm1.o -macosx_version_min 10.15 -lSystem
  • 警告如下

    ld: warning: PIE disabled. Absolute addressing (perhaps -mdynamic-no-pic) not allowed in code signed PIE, but used in _main from asm1.o. To fix this warning, don't compile with -mdynamic-no-pic or link with -Wl,-no_pie


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