import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;

public class StopWatch {
    private final String id;
    private boolean keepTaskList = true;
    private final List<TaskInfo> taskList = new LinkedList();
    private long startTimeMillis;
    private boolean running;
    private String currentTaskName;
    private StopWatch.TaskInfo lastTaskInfo;
    private int taskCount;
    private long totalTimeMillis;

    public StopWatch() { = "";

    public StopWatch(String id) { = id;

    public void setKeepTaskList(boolean keepTaskList) {
        this.keepTaskList = keepTaskList;

    public void start() throws IllegalStateException {

    public void start(String taskName) throws IllegalStateException {
        if (this.running) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Can't start StopWatch: it's already running");
        } else {
            this.startTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
            this.running = true;
            this.currentTaskName = taskName;

    public void stop() throws IllegalStateException {
        if (!this.running) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Can't stop StopWatch: it's not running");
        } else {
            long lastTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - this.startTimeMillis;
            this.totalTimeMillis += lastTime;
            this.lastTaskInfo = new StopWatch.TaskInfo(this.currentTaskName, lastTime);
            if (this.keepTaskList) {

            this.running = false;
            this.currentTaskName = null;

    public boolean isRunning() {
        return this.running;

    public long getLastTaskTimeMillis() throws IllegalStateException {
        if (this.lastTaskInfo == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("No tasks run: can't get last task interval");
        } else {
            return this.lastTaskInfo.getTimeMillis();

    public String getLastTaskName() throws IllegalStateException {
        if (this.lastTaskInfo == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("No tasks run: can't get last task name");
        } else {
            return this.lastTaskInfo.getTaskName();

    public StopWatch.TaskInfo getLastTaskInfo() throws IllegalStateException {
        if (this.lastTaskInfo == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("No tasks run: can't get last task info");
        } else {
            return this.lastTaskInfo;

    public long getTotalTimeMillis() {
        return this.totalTimeMillis;

    public double getTotalTimeSeconds() {
        return (double) this.totalTimeMillis / 1000.0D;

    public int getTaskCount() {
        return this.taskCount;

    public StopWatch.TaskInfo[] getTaskInfo() {
        if (!this.keepTaskList) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Task info is not being kept!");
        } else {
            return (StopWatch.TaskInfo[]) this.taskList.toArray(new StopWatch.TaskInfo[this.taskList.size()]);

    public String shortSummary() {
        return "StopWatch '" + + "': running time (millis) = " + this.getTotalTimeMillis();

    public String prettyPrint() {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(this.shortSummary());
        if (!this.keepTaskList) {
            sb.append("No task info kept");
        } else {
            sb.append("ms     %     Task name\n");
            NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance();
            NumberFormat pf = NumberFormat.getPercentInstance();
            StopWatch.TaskInfo[] var7;
            int var6 = (var7 = this.getTaskInfo()).length;

            for (int var5 = 0; var5 < var6; ++var5) {
                StopWatch.TaskInfo task = var7[var5];
                sb.append(nf.format(task.getTimeMillis())).append("  ");
                sb.append(pf.format(task.getTimeSeconds() / this.getTotalTimeSeconds())).append("  ");

        return sb.toString();

    public String toString() {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(this.shortSummary());
        if (this.keepTaskList) {
            StopWatch.TaskInfo[] var5;
            int var4 = (var5 = this.getTaskInfo()).length;

            for (int var3 = 0; var3 < var4; ++var3) {
                StopWatch.TaskInfo task = var5[var3];
                sb.append("; [").append(task.getTaskName()).append("] took ").append(task.getTimeMillis());
                long percent = Math.round(100.0D * task.getTimeSeconds() / this.getTotalTimeSeconds());
                sb.append(" = ").append(percent).append("%");
        } else {
            sb.append("; no task info kept");

        return sb.toString();

    public static final class TaskInfo {
        private final String taskName;
        private final long timeMillis;

        TaskInfo(String taskName, long timeMillis) {
            this.taskName = taskName;
            this.timeMillis = timeMillis;

        public String getTaskName() {
            return this.taskName;

        public long getTimeMillis() {
            return this.timeMillis;

        public double getTimeSeconds() {
            return (double) this.timeMillis / 1000.0D;




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