
例 3.6.2

    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
  /*When the Global object is created, it always has at least the following properties:
       Object object       Function object       Array object       String object
       Boolean object       Number object       Date object       Math object
       Value properties
    Array.prototype.mymethod = function(number)
        var result = -1;
/*注意mymethod功能是找出某数在数组中出现的位置。作为Array的一个function,可以访问Array的属性this.length, 参见上一个prototype的例子,   
    Student.prototype.infop = function()/*此方法可以为所有Student对象所用*/
        document.writeln("对象的qixy属性p:" + this.qixy);
        document.writeln("对象的age属性p:" + this.age);
        /*下列话是合法的, 因为不是this.number, 而是Student.number*/
        document.writeln("static method is " + Student.number);
        for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i ++)
            if (this[i] == number)
                result = i;
        return result;



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