Markus Heikki Andersson
Håkon Helgesen

Master of Science in Computer Science

Submission date: June 2016
Supervisor: Helge Langseth, IDI

Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Department of Computer and Information Science


This thesis describes the effort of adapting Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) to the game
of Hearthstone, a card game with hidden information and stochastic随机的 elements. The focus
is on discovering the suitability of MCTS for this environment, as well as which domainspecific
adaptations are needed.
An MCTS agent is developed for a Hearthstone simulator, which is used to conduct experiments
to measure the agent’s performance both against human and computer players.
The implementation includes determinizations确定化操作 to work around hidden information, and
introduces action chains to handle multiple actions within a turn. The results are analyzed
and possible future directions of research are proposed.


This chapter is inspired by the work done in the specialization project [Andersson and
Hesselberg (2015)].

1.1 Background and Motivation

Video games are one of the quickest growing types of entertainment and is a popular
pastime娱乐,消遣 across the world, representing a billion-dollar industry just in the US [Newzoo
Games will often include time constraints on a player’s actions. Creating an AI to play
these games therefore becomes a challenge, as they must be able to find solutions to problems
quickly. This is why games are ideal to test applications of real-time AI research
[Buro and Furtak (2003)].
This is not only true now, but also from the beginning of the computer era时代; many computer
science pioneers先锋 have been using games like chess, checkers西洋棋 and others to research algorithms.
Examples of such luminaries杰出人物,知识渊博的人 can be found by looking at Alan Turing, John von
Neumann, Claude Shannon, Herbert Simon, Alan Newell, John McCarthy, Arthur Samuel,
Donald Knuth, Donald Michie, and Ken Thompson [Billings (1995)].

There are a number of difficult problems represented in board games, card games, other
mathematical games and their digital representations, and there are many reasons why
their study is desirable. Usually they have all or some of these properties:

  • Well-defined rules and concise简明的 logistics – As games are usually well-defined it can be relatively simple to create a complete player, which makes it possible to spend more time and effort on what is actually the topic of scientific interest.
  • Complex strategies – Some of the hardest problems known in computational complexity and theoretical computer science can be found in games.
  • Specific and clear goals – Games will often have an unambiguous definition of success, so that efforts can be focused on achieving that goal.
  • Measurable results – By measuring either degree of success in playing against other opponents, or in solutions for related sub-tasks, it is possible to see how well an AI is performing.

Since a game can be looked at as a simplified situation from the real world, creating strong
computer players for these games might have potential when applied to real world problems
[Laird and VanLent (2001)].

There are many games where computer players will either cheat by using access to the
game engine to obtain additional information, resources or units - or they won’t be a
match for an expert level human player. However, players usually enjoy games more when
they are presented with a challenge appropriate to their skill [Malone (1980); Whitehouse
(2014)]. Player enjoyment is easier to achieve when they perceive the game is played on
equal terms, instead of fighting an inferior差的,下等的 computer opponent who is receiving an unfair

Among the hardest problems known in theoretical computer science is the class of games
with stochastic, imperfect information games with partial observability. This class includes
a lot of problems which are computationally undecidable, but easy to express [Shi
and Littman (2001); Gilpin and Sandholm (2006)].

A game which fits the above description well is Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft. It is
a digital strategic card game developed by Blizzard Entertainment. Two players compete
against each other with self-made decks, using cards specifically created for Hearthstone.
The game is easy to grasp理解, but complexity quickly arises because of the interaction between
cards – each card has potential to subtly巧妙地 change the rules of the game. It is because
of this complexity that Hearthstone is an interesting area for AI research, especially for
search in imperfect information domains and general game playing.

1.2 Research Questions

In the specialization project Hearthstone was analyzed and compared to other games to
understand which techniques could be used to create a strong computer player [Andersson
and Hesselberg (2015)].
It was discovered that the key points to consider when when creating an AI for Hearthstone
were the large game tree, the difficulty of node evaluation评估 and the way the game is
constantly evolving. Monte Carlo Tree Search proved to be a viable可行的 solution. It can handle
large game trees by using random sampling, can be run without a heuristic探索的 function and as
such can deal with new elements being introduced.

This project is focused on further examining Monte Carlo Tree Search, implementing it to
create a Hearthstone computer player and analyze its playing strength. As such the high
level research questions are:
1. Can Monte Carlo Tree Search be implemented to create a strong Hearthstone computer
2. Which parameters and implementation choices are important for the agent’s performance?

1.3 Research Method

The research method for this project is to acquire a deep understanding of the Monte Carlo
Tree Search algorithm and implement it to create a strong Hearthstone computer player.
The work can be divided into three parts
Research and understand the underlying principles and theories behind MCTS.
Implement MCTS specific to Hearthstone.
Perform experiments to figure out which parameter values give the best results.

1.4 Thesis论文 Structure

Chapter two describes Hearthstone in detail and describes it formally.
Chapter three explains the theories leading up to Monte Carlo Tree Search together with
related research, and describes how MCTS works.
Chapter four describes the implementation of MCTS, which choices have been made and
why, as well as the simulator being used.
Chapter five describes the agents and parameters used and sets up experiments to test the
MCTS algorithm.
Chapter six describes the results of the experiments shown in the previous chapter and
analyses them.
Chapter seven concludes the thesis.
Chapter eight describes future work.


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