
>>> s = 'yuanzhumuban'
>>> s.capitalize()


>>> s = 'my name is yuanzhumuban, age is 20'
>>> s
'my name is yuanzhumuban, age is 20'
>>> s.replace( '20', '30' )
'my name is yuanzhumuban, age is 30'
>>> s
'my name is yuanzhumuban, age is 20'


>>> help( str.replace )    

如果是面向过程的函数用法,直接help( 函数名 ),如help( abs )


S.replace(old, new[, count]) -> string Return a copy of string S with all occurrences of substring
old replaced by new. If the optional argument count is
given, only the first count occurrences are replaced.


 str = '121212'
str.replace( '1', 'g' )
str.replace( '1', 'g', 1 )
str.replace( '1', 'g', 2 )
str.replace( '1', 'g', 3 )


 1 >>> ip=''
2 >>> ip
3 ''
4 >>> ip.split( '.' )
5 ['127', '0', '0', '1']
6 >>> ip.split( '.', 1 )
7 ['127', '0.0.1']
8 >>> ip.split( '.', 2 )
9 ['127', '0', '0.1']
10 >>> ip.split( '.', 3 )
11 ['127', '0', '0', '1']
12 >>>


1 >>> import string
2 >>> help( string.capitalize )
4 >>> s = 'ghostwu'
5 >>> string.capitalize( s )
6 'Ghostwu'


1 >>> import string
2 >>> s = 'my name is ghostwu, age is 20'
3 >>> string.replace( s, '20', '30' )
4 'my name is ghostwu, age is 30'
5 >>> ip
6 ''
7 >>> string.split( ip, '.' )
8 ['127', '0', '0', '1']
9 >>> string.split( ip, '.', 1 )
10 ['127', '0.0.1']
11 >>>



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