Step 1: Install the prerequisites.

# yum install glibc alsa-lib freetype libICE libSM libX11 libXau libXdamage libXext libXfixes libXi libXrandr libXrender libXtst libgcc libuuid libxcb zlib

Step 2: Install TeamViewer.

sudo yum install ./teamviewer_11.0.53191.i686.rpm

Step 3: Start TeamViewer (Application –> Internet –> TeamViewer 9)

CentOS 7 – Start TeamViewer


# teamviewer

If you are starting the TeamViewer for first time, accept the License agreement.

CentOS 7 -TeamViewer License Agreement

Once Accepted, you will get the window with ID and Password.

CentOS 7 -TeamViewer


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