Take away from NGCONF talk.

It is a good show case to how to use decorator.

export interface SimpleChange<T> {
firstChange: boolean;
previousValue: T;
currentValue: T;
isFirstChange: () => boolean;
} function OnChange<T = any>(
callback: (value: T, simpleChange?: SimpleChange<T>) => void
) {
console.log("callback", callback); const cachedValueKey = Symbol();
const isFirstChangeKey = Symbol(); return (target, key) => { Object.defineProperty(target, key, {
set: function(value) {
if (this[isFirstChangeKey] === undefined) {
this[isFirstChangeKey] = true;
} else {
this[isFirstChangeKey] = false;
// No operation if new value is same as old value
if (!this[isFirstChangeKey] && this[cachedValueKey] === value) {
} console.log("set value", value); const oldValue = this[cachedValueKey];
this[cachedValueKey] = value;
const simpleChange: SimpleChange<T> = {
firstChange: this[isFirstChangeKey],
previousValue: oldValue,
currentValue: this[cachedValueKey],
isFirstChange: () => this[isFirstChangeKey]
callback.call(this, this[cachedValueKey], simpleChange);
get: function() {
return this[cachedValueKey];
} class Person {
@OnChange<string>(function(newVal, sc) {
this.trigger(newVal, sc)
private name: string = "wan"; trigger (newVal, simpleChange) {
console.log('newVal', newVal);
console.log('simpleChange', simpleChange);
} const p = new Person();
p.name = "aa"; // first time, trigger changes
p.name = "aa"; // second time, no trigger
p.name = "bb"; // Trogger changes

One take away is that we can use 'symbol' to uqine key.

const cachedValueKey = Symbol();



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