#include <iostream>
using namespace std; class Base
public :
void display()
cout << "Base display" << endl;
} void (Base :: **VTable)();//指向虚表的函数指针
int a;
}; class Derived : public Base
public :
void display()
cout << "derived display" << endl;
}; void test(Base *pointer)
void (Base :: *pFunc)() = (void(Base :: *)())pointer->VTable[];
} int main()
//3.将所有虚函数的地址存储到这块存储空间中,这个存储空间称为虚表     //初始化工作,也就是编译器帮我们做的事
Derived *derived = new Derived();
derived->VTable = (void(Base :: **)())new int[];
derived->VTable[] =(void(Base :: *)()) &Derived :: display;//初始化工作
test(derived); Base *base = new Base();
base->VTable = (void(Base :: **)())new int[];
base->VTable[] = (void(Base :: *)()) &Base :: display;
return ;

基类如果不使用虚函数virtual构成多态的话,使用sizeof得到Base的大小为4,如下图(Base中的成员变量只有一个int a,使用32位编译器,如下代码中的基类,只是演示使用)

 #include <iostream>
using namespace std; class Base
public :
void display()
cout << "Base display" << endl;
} int a;
}; class Derived : public Base
public :
void display()
cout << "derived display" << endl;
}; int main()
cout << "Base's size is " << sizeof(Base) << endl;
return ;


#include <iostream>
using namespace std; class Base
public :
virtual void display()
cout << "Base display" << endl;
} int a;
}; class Derived : public Base
public :
void display()
cout << "derived display" << endl;
}; int main()
cout << "Base's size is " << sizeof(Base) << endl;
return ;

那这个 4byte的空间是什么东西?是干什么用?





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