本作业的网站链接:MIT 6.828 Homework 1: boot xv6


Exercise: What is on the stack?

While stopped at the above breakpoint, look at the registers and the stack contents:

(gdb) info reg


(gdb) x/24x $esp



Write a short (3-5 word) comment next to each non-zero value on the stack explaining what it is. Which part of the stack printout is actually the stack?

Here are some questions to help you along:

  • Begin by restarting qemu and gdb, and set a break-point at 0x7c00, the start of the boot block (bootasm.S). Single step through the instructions (type si at the gdb prompt). Where in bootasm.S is the stack pointer initialized? (Single step until you see an instruction that moves a value into %esp, the register for the stack pointer.)
  • Single step through the call to bootmain; what is on the stack now?
  • What do the first assembly instructions of bootmain do to the stack? Look for bootmain in bootblock.asm.
  • Continue tracing via gdb (using breakpoints if necessary -- see hint below) and look for the call that changes eip to 0x10000c. What does that call do to the stack? (Hint: Think about what this call is trying to accomplish in the boot sequence and try to identify this point in bootmain.c, and the corresponding instruction in the bootmain code in bootblock.asm. This might help you set suitable breakpoints to speed things up.)


本题目要求解释内核启动时栈中的数据。由于PC启动顺序是BIOS -> boot loader -> kernel,要想知道内核启动时栈中数据的来源,需要知道前面BIOS和boot loader如何使用栈。因此,下面先解答文中提出的早期BIOS和boot loader启动的问题,再来解释内核启动时栈中的数据。



(gdb) b *0x7c00
Breakpoint 1 at 0x7c00
(gdb) c
[ 0:7c00] => 0x7c00: cli Thread 1 hit Breakpoint 1, 0x00007c00 in ?? ()
(gdb) si
[ 0:7c01] => 0x7c01: xor %ax,%ax
0x00007c01 in ?? ()
(gdb) info reg
eax 0xaa55 43605
ecx 0x0 0
edx 0x80 128
ebx 0x0 0
esp 0x6f20 0x6f20
ebp 0x0 0x0
esi 0x0 0
edi 0x0 0
eip 0x7c01 0x7c01
eflags 0x2 [ ]
cs 0x0 0
ss 0x0 0
ds 0x0 0
es 0x0 0
fs 0x0 0
gs 0x0 0
(gdb) x/xw 0x6f20
0x6f20: 0xf000d239


单步执行到call bootmain处,发现esp寄存器的值为0x7c00,也就是boot block的起始地址。当执行完call指令后,esp寄存器的值变为0x7bfc,call指令的下一条指令的地址,也是bootmain函数的返回地址。

(gdb) si
=> 0x7c43: mov $0x7c00,%esp
0x00007c43 in ?? ()
1: /x $ebp = 0x0
2: /x $esp = 0x6f20
(gdb) si
=> 0x7c48: call 0x7d3b
0x00007c48 in ?? ()
1: /x $ebp = 0x0
2: /x $esp = 0x7c00
(gdb) si
=> 0x7d3b: push %ebp Thread 1 hit Breakpoint 2, 0x00007d3b in ?? ()
1: /x $ebp = 0x0
2: /x $esp = 0x7bfc



    7d3b:	55                   	push   %ebp



修改eip的值为0x10000c的语句是call *0x10018,其中地址0x10018处存储的内容为0x10000c,所以此语句做的事情是:先将返回地址0x7d8d压栈,然后跳到0x10000c的位置。



  1. 查看寄存器信息
(gdb) info reg
eax 0x0 0
ecx 0x0 0
edx 0x1f0 496
ebx 0x10074 65652
esp 0x7bdc 0x7bdc
ebp 0x7bf8 0x7bf8
esi 0x10074 65652
edi 0x0 0
eip 0x10000c 0x10000c
eflags 0x46 [ PF ZF ]
cs 0x8 8
ss 0x10 16
ds 0x10 16
es 0x10 16
fs 0x0 0
gs 0x0 0
  1. 查看栈中数据
(gdb) x/24x $esp
0x7bdc: 0x00007d8d 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000
0x7bec: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000
0x7bfc: 0x00007c4d 0x8ec031fa 0x8ec08ed8 0xa864e4d0
0x7c0c: 0xb0fa7502 0xe464e6d1 0x7502a864 0xe6dfb0fa
0x7c1c: 0x16010f60 0x200f7c78 0xc88366c0 0xc0220f01
0x7c2c: 0x087c31ea 0x10b86600 0x8ed88e00 0x66d08ec0
  1. 解释栈中数据

    注意,栈实际上从0x7c00向下增长,大于0x7c00的地址存储的是BIOS和boot loader的代码。
0x7bdc:	0x00007d8d	// function return address after calling kernel
0x7be0: 0x00000000 // reserved value
0x7be4: 0x00000000 // reserved value
0x7be8: 0x00000000 // reserved value
0x7bec: 0x00000000 // reserved value
0x7bf0: 0x00000000 // ebx's value when calling bootmain
0x7bf4: 0x00000000 // esi's value when calling bootmain
0x7bf8: 0x00000000 // edi's value when calling bootmain
0x7bfc: 0x00007c4d // function return address after calling bootmain
0x7c00: 0x8ec031fa // cli (The following is instructions of bootblock)
0x7c04: 0x8ec08ed8
0x7c08: 0xa864e4d0
0x7c0c: 0xb0fa7502
0x7c10: 0xe464e6d1
0x7c14: 0x7502a864
0x7c18: 0xe6dfb0fa
0x7c1c: 0x16010f60
0x7c20: 0x200f7c78
0x7c24: 0xc88366c0
0x7c28: 0xc0220f01
0x7c2c: 0x087c31ea
0x7c30: 0x10b86600
0x7c34: 0x8ed88e00
0x7c38: 0x66d08ec0


  1. 第一次执行gdb时,没能运行到.gdbinit文件,有以下打印信息:
warning: File "/home/along/src/6.828/src/xv6-public/.gdbinit" auto-loading has been declined by your `auto-load safe-path' set to "$debugdir:$datadir/auto-load".
To enable execution of this file add
add-auto-load-safe-path /home/along/src/6.828/src/xv6-public/.gdbinit
line to your configuration file "/home/along/.gdbinit".



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