Import SHA2 SSL cert to Windows IIS7

1.You will get 3 piece of certs from GeoTrust, and save them to below

1)=server.cert: Issue to "*", Issue from "GeoTrust SSL CA-G4"
2)=middle.cer: Issue to "GeoTrust SSL CA-G4", Issue from "GeoTrust Global CA"
3)=cross.cer: Issue to "GeoTrust Global CA", Issue from "Equifax Secure Cerificate Authority"

2. Transter your cert to PFX format

1) prepare your private key and server.cert
2) access ,
3) source:PEM, target:PKCS12
4) input certificate password
5) save PFX to your PC

3. Import PFX and adjust cert chain

1) Open MMC in the run CMD
2) Click Add/Remove Snap-in
3) Add Certificate to "selected snap-ins"
4) Select "Computer account" and push Ok
5) Go to Personal->Certificates->Right click and import new SHA2 PFX file to the server
6) Input import password and complete the importing
7) Import mid.cer and cross.cer to Intermediate Certification Authority/certificates
8) verify new personal certificates has 4 level path chain, if still has 3 level path
9) remove the cert which Issue to "GeoTrust Global CA", Issue from "GeoTrust Global CA"
10)now your new personal certificates has 4 level path chain

4. Bind cert to IIS

1) go to IIS manager,
2) select site and right edit bindings
3) edit https, select new SSL certificate
4) restart IIS service

5. testing
mid.cer and cross.cer is public, so you can get it from trustasia. but server.cer from GeoTrust privately.


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