
function X = IsStrictDiagMatrix(A)
% input: A matrix
% output: The matrix after transformation % if the matrix is not a square matrix, return error
if size(A, 1) ~= size(A, 2)
error('It is not a square matrix');
end % get the size of A and set the size of X
% use an array to accord if all the row be set
N = size(A, 1);
X = zeros(N, N);
has_set = zeros(N); for i = 1 : N
% find out the max element in a row
row_max = max(abs(A(i, : )));
% if the max element is not larger than sum of others, return error
if (row_max <= (sum(abs(A(i, : ))) - row_max))
error('It can not be transformed to strict diagonal dominance matrix');
% find out the index of max element and set the row j of matrix X
% accord row j has been set
for j = 1 : N
if (abs(A(i, j)) == row_max)
X(j, : ) = A(i, : );
has_set(j) = 1;
end % if any hasn't been set, return error
for i = 1 : N
if (has_set == 0)
error('It can not be transformed to strict diagonal dominance matrix');
end % output success
fprintf('It can be transformed to a strict diagonal dominance matrix: \n');


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