
We have N (N ≤ 10000) objects, and wish to classify them into several groups by judgement of their resemblance. To simply the model, each object has 2 indexes a and b (a, b ≤ 500). The resemblance of object i and object j is defined by dij = |ai - aj| + |bi - bj|, and then we say i is dij resemble to j. Now we want to find the minimum value of X, so that we can classify the N objects into K (K < N) groups, and in each group, one object is at most X resemble to another object in the same group, i.e, for every object i, if i is not the only member of the group, then there exists one object j (i ≠ j) in the same group that satisfies dijX


The first line contains two integers N and K. The following N lines each contain two integers a and b, which describe a object.


A single line contains the minimum X.

Sample Input

6 2
1 2
2 3
2 2
3 4
4 3
3 1

Sample Output


#define maxn 100005
#define inf 1061109567
using namespace std;
char ch;
bool ok;
void read(int &x){
for (ok=,ch=getchar();!isdigit(ch);ch=getchar()) if (ch=='-') ok=;
for (x=;isdigit(ch);x=x*+ch-'',ch=getchar());
if (ok) x=-x;
struct Point{
int x,y,d,id;
bool cmp1(Point a,Point b){
if (a.x!=b.x) return a.x>b.x;
return a.y>b.y;
int calc(Point a,Point b){return abs(a.x-b.x)+abs(a.y-b.y);}
int n,m,k,ans;
struct DATA{
int val,pos;
void init(){val=inf,pos=-;}
void update(DATA b){if (val>b.val) val=b.val,pos=b.pos;}
int d[maxn],cntd;
struct bit{
#define lowbit(x) ((x)&(-(x)))
DATA node[maxn];
void init(){for (int i=;i<=cntd;i++) node[i].init();}
void insert(int x,DATA p){for (int i=cntd-x+;i<=cntd;i+=lowbit(i)) node[i].update(p);}
int query(int x){
DATA ans; ans.init();
for (int i=cntd-x+;i;i-=lowbit(i)) ans.update(node[i]);
return ans.pos;
struct Edge{
int u,v,c;
bool cmp2(Edge a,Edge b){return a.c<b.c;}
void prepare(){
for (int i=;i<=n;i++) d[i]=point[i].d=point[i].y-point[i].x;
for (int i=;i<=n;i++) point[i].d=lower_bound(d+,d+cntd+,point[i].d)-d;
for (int i=;i<=n;i++){
int u=point[i].id,v=T.query(point[i].d);
if (v!=-) edge[++m]=(Edge){u,v,calc(tmp[u],tmp[v])};
int fa[maxn];
int find(int x){return x==fa[x]?fa[x]:fa[x]=find(fa[x]);}
int main(){
for (int i=;i<=n;i++) read(point[i].x),read(point[i].y),point[i].id=i;
for (int i=;i<=n;i++) tmp[i]=point[i]; prepare();
for (int i=;i<=n;i++) point[i].x=tmp[i].y,point[i].y=tmp[i].x,point[i].id=i; prepare();
for (int i=;i<=n;i++) point[i].x=-tmp[i].y,point[i].y=tmp[i].x,point[i].id=i; prepare();
for (int i=;i<=n;i++) point[i].x=tmp[i].x,point[i].y=-tmp[i].y,point[i].id=i; prepare();
for (int i=;i<=n;i++) fa[i]=i;
for (int i=,cnt=n;i<=m&&cnt>k;i++) if (find(edge[i].u)!=find(edge[i].v))
return ;



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