
以下是Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services架构中数据库列表。

Configuration Database Tables(配置数据库表)

Content Database Tables(内容数据库表)

SharePoint Services 数据库表(Database Tables)

The following is a list of database tables used in a Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services topology.

以下是Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services架构中数据库列表。

Configuration Database Tables(配置数据库表)

Name Description 描述
AntiVirusVendors Antivirus software vendors. 防毒软件提供商。
CustomTemplates Templates that appear in the global templates list (template picker). 出现在全局模板列表中的模板(模板选取)。
Databases Content databases and associated settings. 内容数据库及相关设置。
Globals Settings that apply to all sites on the physical server within a Windows SharePoint Services topology. SharePoint架构中应用于所有物理站点的设置。
InstalledWebPartPackages Web Part Packages that are available to the virtual server. 虚拟服务器可用的web组件包。
Servers Physical computers in the Windows SharePoint Services topology. SharePoint架构中物理计算机。
Services Services such as database, Web, and mail services that are included in the Windows SharePoint Services topology. SharePoint架构中的服务,例如数据库,站点,邮件等。
Sites Sites in the Windows SharePoint Services topology. SharePoint架构中的站点。
VirtualServers Virtual servers and their associated settings. 虚拟服务器及其相关设置。
WebPartPackages Web Part Packages that are installed in a topology. 安装在架构中的web组件包。

Content Database Tables(内容数据库表)

Name Description 描述
Categories Associations among documents and their assigned areas. 文档及其分配区域协作。
ComMd Document discussions. 文档讨论。
Deps Document dependencies. 文档附件。
DiskWarningDate Date and time of last warning about disk quota. 最后警告磁盘配额的日期和时间。
Docs Documents and document folders. 文件和文件夹。
DocVersions Version history of documents from document libraries. 来自文档库的文档版本历史。
EventCache Cache for alerts. 警报缓存。
EventLog Log for alerts. 警报日志。
HT_Cache Cache of documents transformed for viewing in a Web browser. 浏览器文档转换视图缓存。
HT_Settings Settings for HTML viewing. HTML视图配置。
ImmedSubscriptions Alerts that are set to be sent as soon as the changes occur. 即时发送的变更通知
Links Links to be recalculated during a site recalculation. 重算过程中到重新计算的链接。
Lists Lists in the site. 站点列表。
NavNodes Nodes that are displayed in the navigation bars. 导航条显示的节点集。
Personalization Personalization done to Web Parts. 自定义web组件。
SchedSubscriptions Alerts that are set to be sent on a daily or weekly basis. 每天或每周预定发送的通知。
SiteGroupMembership Members of cross-site groups. 跨站点组成员。
SiteGroups Cross-site groups. 跨站点组。
Sites Sites in the content database. 内容数据库站点。
TimerLock Locking scheme that determines which server locks which database. 决定服务器锁锁定数据库的锁方案。
UserData List data. 列表数据。
UserInfo Info about each user added to the site. 每一个用户添加到站点的信息。
WebCat Links between Web sites and areas. 站点和区域间的链接。
WebGroupMembership List of members of the site groups. 站点组成员列表。
WebGroups Site groups (such as Administrator, Web Designer) for the site. 站点组(例如管理员,站点设计者)。
WebMembers Members of a site. 站点成员。
WebParts Web Parts available for the sites. A view is a Web Part. 站点可用的web组件。一个web组件的视图。
Webs Subsites associated with a site. 和一个站点关联的子站点。
WelcomeNames Default documents for the site. 站点默认文


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