1. Magic number/string
  1. If statement, you should always use single line or brackets
  1. Provide default value of Enum
  1. Difference between abstract class and interface
  1. Excess inheritance--the inheritance hierarchy is too deep
  1. Use string.Concat, string.Format, StringBuilder instead of +
  1. Const vs Readonly
  2. Break down large method into small methods
  1. Using nest class to hidden information is not necessary and hurts maintainability
  1. Do not use new keyword to hidden base class's method, please use polymorphism
  2. Static class may substitute singleton pattern for simplification
  3. Private members/property access are not necessary if not protecting; use auto properties instead
  4. Use IDisposable correctly to prevent resource leak for unmanaged resources.
  1. Tell browser the encoding you are using with meta tag
  2. Make sure browsers know you want to use edge rendering if you are building HTML5 websites
  3. Eliminating embedded javascript and style sheets to help improve caching of your code
  4. Use CDN so that browser caching can improve startup time for new users.
  5. Reduced round-trips with fewer CSS files means you are less likely to run into browser limits of CSS
  6. The less code inside a Razor file the better
  7. Creating cached objects inside per-request classes is not necessary and adds complexity
  8. Routing tables are still a valid way of doing routing for much your code


  1. 以太坊智能合约Hello World示例程序
  2. Nginx编译配置杂记
  3. 阴影 box-shadow(二)
  4. CS001: 清理浮动的几种方法以及对应规范说明
  5. MySQL触发器 Update触发Insert失败
  6. ini_set /ini_get函数功能-----PHP
  7. 【转】创业C2C(Copy To China):停车位共享APP,用户、市政能够买账?
  8. uva 10739
  9. unity3d 2d游戏制作的模式
  10. java中二维数组内存分配
  11. (后端)Sql Server日期查询-SQL查询今天、昨天、7天内、30天(转)
  12. 图解JAVA参数传递
  13. Tensorflow 搭建神经网络及tensorboard可视化
  14. C#基础知识回顾--串行化与反串行化
  15. Keepalived+Nginx高可用集群
  16. Smarty 函数
  17. HDU 1358
  18. Java核心技术-集合
  19. 【Semantic Segmentation】 Instance-sensitive Fully Convolutional Networks论文解析(转)
  20. PLSQL基本操作手册


  1. .net后台 Silverlight 页面 动态设置 ASPX 页面 控件的Margin值(位置设置)
  2. dispatch_async 与 dispatch_get_global_queue 的使用方法
  3. 判别linux机器字节序为大端还是小端
  4. C++格式化字符函数
  5. seajs模块压缩问题
  6. 微信JS-SDK 接口调用与 php 遇到的坑
  7. 简单的thinkPHP3.2运行实例。
  8. [TYVJ] P1238 路径
  9. oracle starup报错
  10. 设置ActioinBar 的背景色以及Title的字体颜色