Spring-MVC配置Gson做为Message Converter解析Json

在学习Spring的时候看到可以使用@RequestBody 和@ResponseBody注解来是的Spring自动将http 其中的 body(json格式)部分和java内部的类进行转换。同时由于Google Gson的强大一般开发的时候会用的比较多,但是由于Spring内部默认使用的json的message Converter 并不是gson,所以这里需要配置一下才能使其生效;



          <bean class="org.springframework.http.converter.json.GsonHttpMessageConverter"/>


注:如果想要某中类型的数据能被Message Converter转换,需要自己实现AbstractGenericHttpMessageConverter这个接口,然后在通过配置文件将这个类加载进你的项目中(比如说alibaba:fastjson,在它包中也实现了度spring message converter 的支持)。

备注: 网上有很多实现自己的Message Converter的教程,如果后续需要可以搜一下,实现起来有两个步骤:

  1. 需要自己实现AbstractGenericHttpMessageConverter这个接口;

  2. 通过xml或者其他方法配置一下

          <bean class="org.springframework.http.converter.json.GsonHttpMessageConverter"/>

    @ConditionalOnMissingClass(name = "com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerator")
    protected static class GsonHttpMessageConverterConfiguration {

      public GsonHttpMessageConverter gsonHttpMessageConverter(Gson gson) {
          GsonHttpMessageConverter converter = new GsonHttpMessageConverter();
          return converter;


  3. 一下贴点源码:

    package org.springframework.http.converter.json;

    import com.google.gson.Gson;
    import com.google.gson.JsonIOException;
    import com.google.gson.JsonParseException;
    import com.google.gson.reflect.TypeToken;
    import java.io.IOException;
    import java.io.InputStreamReader;
    import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
    import java.lang.reflect.Type;
    import java.nio.charset.Charset;
    import org.springframework.http.HttpHeaders;
    import org.springframework.http.HttpInputMessage;
    import org.springframework.http.HttpOutputMessage;
    import org.springframework.http.MediaType;
    import org.springframework.http.converter.AbstractGenericHttpMessageConverter;
    import org.springframework.http.converter.HttpMessageNotReadableException;
    import org.springframework.http.converter.HttpMessageNotWritableException;
    import org.springframework.util.Assert;

    public class GsonHttpMessageConverter extends AbstractGenericHttpMessageConverter<Object> {
      public static final Charset DEFAULT_CHARSET = Charset.forName("UTF-8");
      private Gson gson = new Gson();
      private String jsonPrefix;

      public GsonHttpMessageConverter() {
          super(new MediaType[]{MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON, new MediaType("application", "*+json")});

      public void setGson(Gson gson) {
          Assert.notNull(gson, "'gson' is required");
          this.gson = gson;

      public Gson getGson() {
          return this.gson;

      public void setJsonPrefix(String jsonPrefix) {
          this.jsonPrefix = jsonPrefix;

      public void setPrefixJson(boolean prefixJson) {
          this.jsonPrefix = prefixJson?")]}', ":null;

      public boolean canRead(Class<?> clazz, MediaType mediaType) {
          return this.canRead(mediaType);

      public boolean canWrite(Class<?> clazz, MediaType mediaType) {
          return this.canWrite(mediaType);

      protected boolean supports(Class<?> clazz) {
          throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

      protected Object readInternal(Class<?> clazz, HttpInputMessage inputMessage) throws IOException, HttpMessageNotReadableException {
          TypeToken<?> token = this.getTypeToken(clazz);
          return this.readTypeToken(token, inputMessage);

      public Object read(Type type, Class<?> contextClass, HttpInputMessage inputMessage) throws IOException, HttpMessageNotReadableException {
          TypeToken<?> token = this.getTypeToken(type);
          return this.readTypeToken(token, inputMessage);

      protected TypeToken<?> getTypeToken(Type type) {
          return TypeToken.get(type);

      private Object readTypeToken(TypeToken<?> token, HttpInputMessage inputMessage) throws IOException {
          InputStreamReader json = new InputStreamReader(inputMessage.getBody(), this.getCharset(inputMessage.getHeaders()));

          try {
              return this.gson.fromJson(json, token.getType());
          } catch (JsonParseException var5) {
              throw new HttpMessageNotReadableException("Could not read JSON: " + var5.getMessage(), var5);

      private Charset getCharset(HttpHeaders headers) {
          return headers != null && headers.getContentType() != null && headers.getContentType().getCharset() != null?headers.getContentType().getCharset():DEFAULT_CHARSET;

      protected void writeInternal(Object o, Type type, HttpOutputMessage outputMessage) throws IOException, HttpMessageNotWritableException {
          Charset charset = this.getCharset(outputMessage.getHeaders());
          OutputStreamWriter writer = new OutputStreamWriter(outputMessage.getBody(), charset);

          try {
              if(this.jsonPrefix != null) {

              if(type != null) {
                  this.gson.toJson(o, type, writer);
              } else {
                  this.gson.toJson(o, writer);

          } catch (JsonIOException var7) {
              throw new HttpMessageNotWritableException("Could not write JSON: " + var7.getMessage(), var7);
  4. 然后是alibaba:fastjson的实现

    package com.alibaba.fastjson.support.spring;

    import com.alibaba.fastjson.JSON;
    import com.alibaba.fastjson.parser.Feature;
    import com.alibaba.fastjson.serializer.SerializerFeature;
    import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
    import java.io.IOException;
    import java.io.InputStream;
    import java.io.OutputStream;
    import java.nio.charset.Charset;
    import org.springframework.http.HttpInputMessage;
    import org.springframework.http.HttpOutputMessage;
    import org.springframework.http.MediaType;
    import org.springframework.http.converter.AbstractHttpMessageConverter;
    import org.springframework.http.converter.HttpMessageNotReadableException;
    import org.springframework.http.converter.HttpMessageNotWritableException;

    public class FastJsonHttpMessageConverter extends AbstractHttpMessageConverter<Object> {
      public static final Charset UTF8 = Charset.forName("UTF-8");
      private Charset charset;
      private SerializerFeature[] features;

      public FastJsonHttpMessageConverter() {
          super(new MediaType[]{new MediaType("application", "json", UTF8), new MediaType("application", "*+json", UTF8)});
          this.charset = UTF8;
          this.features = new SerializerFeature[0];

      protected boolean supports(Class<?> clazz) {
          return true;

      public Charset getCharset() {
          return this.charset;

      public void setCharset(Charset charset) {
          this.charset = charset;

      public SerializerFeature[] getFeatures() {
          return this.features;

      public void setFeatures(SerializerFeature... features) {
          this.features = features;

      protected Object readInternal(Class<? extends Object> clazz, HttpInputMessage inputMessage) throws IOException, HttpMessageNotReadableException {
          ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
          InputStream in = inputMessage.getBody();
          byte[] buf = new byte[1024];

          while(true) {
              int len = in.read(buf);
              if(len == -1) {
                  byte[] bytes = baos.toByteArray();
                  return JSON.parseObject(bytes, 0, bytes.length, this.charset.newDecoder(), clazz, new Feature[0]);

              if(len > 0) {
                  baos.write(buf, 0, len);

      protected void writeInternal(Object obj, HttpOutputMessage outputMessage) throws IOException, HttpMessageNotWritableException {
          OutputStream out = outputMessage.getBody();
          String text = JSON.toJSONString(obj, this.features);
          byte[] bytes = text.getBytes(this.charset);


Jackson has been the default json library in springframework until version 4.1 where it added support to use Gson by configuring GsonHttpMessageConverter. Let's take a look at how to configure your spring application to use Google Gson library's Gson class.

Detailed Video Notes

Gson is a java based library that converts java objects into their JSON representation and vice versa. A common example is when you are create a REST end point via a spring @Controller where you fetch a list of objects that you want to convert into an jsonarray. Let's examine a few different configuration options within your spring boot, java config and xml based applications.

Getting started


Before we get started it is important to understand how spring converts objects to json. In typical spring mvc once request exits the @Controller it looks for a view to render. When specifying a @RequestBody or a @RestController we ask spring to by pass this step and write the java objects in the model directly to the response. When doing so spring will look specifically for a HttpMessageConverter associated to the mime type to perform the conversion and in our case Json. Spring configures MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter by default so we want to swap it with GsonHttpMessageConverter so it uses Gson to convert the java objects.

For our first snippet, lets generate a spring boot application from spring initializr web page and import it into eclipse.

Configuring gson in spring boot


Adding gson to classpath

If you are setting up Gson to work with spring boot you will first want to look at HttpMessageConvertersAutoConfiguration as there may be configuration changes. As it exists during the write up of this tutorial the GsonHttpMessageConverter will be created if Gson is on your classpath, the application doesn't contain jackson's JsonGenerator class and if the Gson bean doesn't exist already.

@ConditionalOnMissingClass(name = "com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerator")
protected static class GsonHttpMessageConverterConfiguration {

  public GsonHttpMessageConverter gsonHttpMessageConverter(Gson gson) {
      GsonHttpMessageConverter converter = new GsonHttpMessageConverter();
      return converter;


Excluding jackson from classpath


If you want to be sure that jackson isn't used or if you are experiencing conflicts you can add @EnableAutoConfiguration(exclude = { JacksonAutoConfiguration.class }) to your application class and exclude it from the spring-boot-starter-web dependency.

@EnableAutoConfiguration(exclude = { JacksonAutoConfiguration.class })
public class Application {

  public static void main(String[] args) {
      SpringApplication.run(Application.class, args);

If you are trying to eliminate the dependency on jackson we did notice as we worked through this tutorial that it was needed if you are using spring boot actuator specifically in EndpointAutoConfiguration class and it is a reported github issue.

Exception in thread "main" org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'configurationPropertiesReportEndpoint' defined in class path resource [org/springframework/boot/actuate/autoconfigure/EndpointAutoConfiguration.class]: Bean instantiation via factory method failed; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.BeanInstantiationException: Failed to instantiate [org.springframework.boot.actuate.endpoint.ConfigurationPropertiesReportEndpoint]: Factory method 'configurationPropertiesReportEndpoint' threw exception; nested exception is java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/fasterxml/jackson/databind/ser/BeanSerializerModifier

Validate request

Let's create a controller that returns a hashmap to validate that GsonHttpMessageConverter is being used. We will modify our application.properties to include logging.level.org.springframework=DEBUG and make a request to /default request mapping. Inspecting the log we can see that the GsonHttpMessageConverter is being used.

public class MyController {

  @RequestMapping(value = "/",
          produces = { MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE },
          method = RequestMethod.GET)
  public ResponseEntity<Map<String, String>> getContacts() {

      Map<String, String> dummyData = new HashMap<>();


      return new ResponseEntity<Map<String, String>>(dummyData, HttpStatus.OK);
2015-01-18 07:33:51.673 DEBUG 18971 --- [nio-8080-exec-6] o.s.w.s.m.m.a.HttpEntityMethodProcessor  : Written [{java-examples=http://www.leveluplunch.com/java/examples/, groovy-examples=http://www.leveluplunch.com/groovy/examples/}] as "application/json" using [org.springframework.http.converter.json.GsonHttpMessageConverter@469047b8]

Customize converters using HttpMessageConverters


If you are having troubles with configuration just discussed or interested in customizing an existing converter by overriding a bean, spring-boot provides an alternative configuration option. This method will also allow you to have both gson and jackson on your class path. We will create a CustomConfiguration class but this could be performed in any class that contains the @Configuration annotation and create a new bean of type HttpMessageConverters. In our configuration we will instruct springframework to use the default HttpMessageConverter and then append GsonHttpMessageConverter.

public class CustomConfiguration {

  public HttpMessageConverters customConverters() {

      Collection<HttpMessageConverter<?>> messageConverters = new ArrayList<>();

      GsonHttpMessageConverter gsonHttpMessageConverter = new GsonHttpMessageConverter();

      return new HttpMessageConverters(true, messageConverters);

If we include the gson pom dependency and specify the customConverters it will configure GsonHttpMessageConverter to be used. Now you might be asking, if the jackson is also included on the classpath, how does this work? The default behavior of HttpMessageConverters when adding a new converter is to add it to the front of the list so since jackson is configured before it works.

Using java config


If you haven't moved to spring boot yet you still configure gson within your application using javaconfig by extending WebMvcConfigurerAdapter or if you need more control use WebMvcConfigurationSupport. You can read more on on how to customize the provided spring mvc configuration.

public class Application extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {

  public void configureMessageConverters(List<HttpMessageConverter < ? >> converters) {
      GsonHttpMessageConverter gsonHttpMessageConverter = new GsonHttpMessageConverter();

Configure Gson using XML configuration


I didn't add a specific test scenario for configuring gson in a xml based application but it would look something similar to the following:

<bean class="org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.annotation.AnnotationMethodHandlerAdapter">
  <property name="messageConverters">
          <bean class="org.springframework.http.converter.json.GsonHttpMessageConverter"/>

There has been a lot of debates on which java library is the fastest JSON processor and many of them might loose out to java 8 json api once support broadens. So until then pick a method and library above.

Thanks for joining in today's level up, have a great day!




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