
After a little experimentation, I figured out how to consistently get the table header to repeat on every page.

The setting of the RepeatColumnHeaders property on the tablix seems to have no effect on this behavior. Instead, we have to set it on a static member of the row groups.

To see the static members of the row groups, click on the small drop down arrow on the far right of the row groups/columns groups header. Then select Advanced Mode.

With the static members of the row group shown, select the first one in the list. The top left cell of the tablix should be selected in the designer.

Now open the property pane and find the property RepeatOnNewPage and set it to True.

Then find the property KeepWithGroup and make sure it's set to After. If it's not, set it to After. Now your table header will repeat on every page.

BTW, check out Paul’s book “Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services Recipes: for Designing Expert Reports” It has been a good resource for SSRS. peace

here the steps you can follow. this resolved the issue(column header on each page):

1) in design mode of rdl file, at bottom you will find "Row Groups" and "Column Groups" (left and right, respectively). Beside Column Groups you will find one arrow button.(this arrow button is right side of column groups protion). click on this arrow button.

2) Check the "Advanced Mode"

3) RowGroups section you will find "(static)" and "(Details)". click on static and press F4(to check it's properties.)

4) provide "Keep With Group" as "After"

5)Provide "Repeat On New Page" as "True"

6) Go back to table, Right click on row header, Go to tablix properties.

7) check on "repeat Header Column on each page" and "repeat Header column on each Rows"

Hope this will help you.


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