===(different .jpi and bak and restore it )===

A plugin is preventing Jenkins to restart


  • Jenkins
  • CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise
  • CloudBees Jenkins Operations Center


To disable a plugin: touch <$JENKINS_HOME>/plugins/<PLUGIN_ID>.jpi.disabled

For example, to disable Green balls plugin, run:

touch $JENKINS_HOME/plugins/greenballs.jpi.disabled


First of all, check if the Pipeline plugins are not disabled, so there should be no workflow-*.[hpi|jpi].disabled file into the $JENKINS_HOME/plugins directory. You must remove them in case of.

If not, here the steps that fixed the issue with the environment described above:
1. Download the workflow-api version 1.14 from the Jenkins plugins download site
2. Remove the workflow-api.jpi folder and file from the $JENKINS_HOME/plugins directory
3. Copy the workflow-api.hpi file into the $JENKINS_HOME/plugins directory
4. Create a workflow-api.jpi.pinned empty file into the $JENKINS_HOME/plugins directory


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