
> create 'dimensoft:user', 'info'


> describe 'dimensoft:user'
'dimensoft:user', //namespace:tableName
NAME => 'info', //列族 DATA_BLOCK_ENCODING => 'NONE', //数据块编码方式设置
//参见:http://hbase.apache.org/book.html#data.block.encoding.enable BLOOMFILT => 'ROW', //参见:http://hbase.apache.org/book.html#bloom.filters.when REPLICATION_SCOPE => '', //配置HBase集群replication时需要将该参数设置为1. //参见:http://blog.cloudera.com/blog/2012/08/hbase-replication-operational-overview/?utm_source=tuicool
'REPLICATION_SCOPE is a column-family level attribute
user has to alter each column family with the alter command as
shown above, for all the column families he wants to replicate.' VERSIONS => '', //设置保存的版本数 COMPRESSION => 'NONE', //设置压缩算法 MIN_VERSIONS => '', //最小存储版本数 TTL => 'FOREVER', //参见:http://hbase.apache.org/book.html#ttl
'ColumnFamilies can set a TTL length in seconds, and HBase
reached. This applies to all versions of a row - even the current one.
The TTL time encoded in the HBase for the row is specified in
UTC.' KEEP_DELETED_CELLS => 'false', //参见:http://hbase.apache.org/book.html#cf.keep.deleted BLOCKSIZE => '', //设置HFile数据块大小(默认64kb) IN_MEMORY => 'false',//设置激进缓存,优先考虑将该列族放入块缓存中,
//针对随机读操作相对较多的列族可以设置该属性为true BLOCKCACHE => 'true' //数据块缓存属性


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