



    function genericPoemMaker(name, gender) {
console.log(name + " is finer than fine wine.");
console.log("Altruistic and noble for the modern time.");
console.log("Always admirably adorned with the latest style.");
console.log("A " + gender + " of unfortunate tragedies who still manages a perpetual smile");
} //callback,参数的最后一项,将会是我们在上面定义的genericPoemMaker函数
function getUserInput(firstName, lastName, gender, callback) {
var fullName = firstName + " " + lastName; // Make sure the callback is a function
if (typeof callback === "function") {
// Execute the callback function and pass the parameters to it
callback(fullName, gender);
getUserInput("Michael", "Fassbender", "Man", genericPoemMaker); // 输出 /* Michael Fassbender is finer than fine wine. Altruistic and noble for the modern time. Always admirably adorned with the latest style. A Man of unfortunate tragedies who still manages a perpetual smile. */

我们可以换一个回调函数试试: function greetUser(customerName, sex) {
var salutation = sex && sex === "Man" ? "Mr." : "Ms.";
console.log("Hello, " + salutation + " " + customerName);
} // 将greetUser作为一个回调函数
getUserInput("Bill", "Gates", "Man", greetUser); // 这里是输出
Hello, Mr. Bill Gates


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