序号 Name Key 返回值 释义
1 Agent ping agent.ping 1 就是ping一下
2 Avaliable memory vm.memory.size[available] 563798016 可用的内存大小
3 Checksum of /etc/passwd vfs.file.cksum[/etc/passwd]  3395042901 通过文件的cksum码检测完整性
4 Context switches per second system.cpu.switches 1808684 CPU上下文切换次数
5 CPU steal time system.cpu.util[,steal] 0.000000 虚拟服务占用的CPU时间百分比
6 CPU user time system.cpu.util[,user] 0.888070 用户进程占用的CPU时间百分比
7 CPU system time system.cpu.util[,system] 0.435438 系统进程占用的CPU时间百分比
8 CPU idle time system.cpu.util[,idle] 98.558498 CPU空闲时间百分比
9 CPU softirq time system.cpu.util[,softirq] 0.050260 软中断占用的CPU时间百分比
10 CPU interrupt time system.cpu.util[,interrupt] 0.050277 中断占用的CPU时间百分比
11 CPU iowait time system.cpu.util[,iowait] 0.150754 IO等待占用的CPU时间百分比
12 CPU nice time system.cpu.util[,nice] 0.000000 改变优先级的进程占CPU的百分比
13 Free disk space on /boot vfs.fs.size[/boot,free] 437207040 boot目录下空闲硬盘容量
14 Free disk space on / vfs.fs.size[/,free] 2140901376

15 Free disk space on / (percentage) vfs.fs.size[/,pfree] 24.897823 根目录下空闲硬盘百分比
16 Free disk space on /boot (percentage) vfs.fs.size[/boot,pfree] 92.405184 boot目录下空闲硬盘容量百分比
17 Free inodes on /boot (percentage) vfs.fs.inode[/boot,pfree] 99.970316 boot目录下inode节点空闲百分比
18 Free inodes on / (percentage) vfs.fs.inode[/,pfree] 72.211835 根目录下inode节点空闲百分比
19 Free swap space system.swap.size[,free] 855633920 swap分区空闲容量
20 Free swap space in % system.swap.size[,pfree] 100.000000 swap分区空闲容量百分比
21 Host boot time system.boottime 1533257399 系统本次启动的时间
22 Host local time system.localtime 1533276306 当前系统时间
23 Host name system.hostname master 主机名
24 Host name of zabbix_agentd running agent.hostname Zabbix server Zabbix客户端配置的主机名
25 Incoming network traffic on eth0 net.if.in[eth0] 21824359 网卡eth0入口流量
26 Incoming network traffic on eth1 net.if.in[eth1] 1017925 网卡eth1入口流量
27 Interrupts per second system.cpu.intr 2324310 设备中断次数
28 Maximum number of opened files kernel.maxfiles 97724 系统支持的打开文件最大数
29 Maximum number of processes kernel.maxproc 32768 系统支持的最大进程数
30 Number of logged in users system.users.num 1 系统当前登陆的用户个数
31 Number of processes proc.num[] 167 系统当前的进程数
32 Number of running processes proc.num[,,run] 1 系统当前运行的进程数
33 Outgoing network traffic on eth0 net.if.out[eth0] 34481164 网卡eth0出口流量
34 Outgoing network traffic on eth1 net.if.out[eth1] 673747 网卡eth1出口流量
35 Processor load (1 min average per core) system.cpu.load[percpu,avg1] 0.000000 一分钟内每个cpu平均负载
36 Processor load (5 min average per core) system.cpu.load[percpu,avg5] 0.000000 五分钟内每个cpu平均负载
37 Processor load (15 min average per core) system.cpu.load[percpu,avg15] 0.000000 十五分钟内每个cpu平均负载
38 System information system.uname Linux master 2.6.32-754.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Jun 19 21:26:04 UTC 2018 x86_64 内核名
39 System uptime system.uptime 20194 系统已经启动了多长时间(秒)
40 Total disk space on / vfs.fs.size[/,total] 9063817216 根目录磁盘总容量
41 Total disk space on /boot vfs.fs.size[/boot,total] 499355648 boot目录磁盘总容量
42 Total memory vm.memory.size[total] 1044430848 内存总大小
43 Total swap space system.swap.size[,total] 855633920 swap分区总大小
44 Used disk space on / vfs.fs.size[/,used] 6457978880 已使用的根目录硬盘大小
45 Used disk space on /boot vfs.fs.size[/boot,used] 35934208 已使用的boot目录硬盘大小
46 Version of zabbix_agent(d) running agent.version 3.2.11 客户端版本
47 Values processed by Zabbix server per second zabbix[wcache,values] 4.71

48 Zabbix trend write cache, % free zabbix[wcache,trend,pfree] 99.28 zabbix的trend buffer空余容量百分比
49 Zabbix history write cache, % free zabbix[wcache,history,pfree] 100 zabbix的history buffer空余容量百分比
50 Zabbix busy poller processes, in % zabbix[process,poller,avg,busy] 0.78 最近一分钟内某某进程所占用的时间
51 Zabbix busy java poller processes, in % zabbix[process,java poller,avg,busy] /
52 Zabbix busy ipmi poller processes, in % zabbix[process,ipmi poller,avg,busy] /
53 Zabbix busy proxy poller processes, in % zabbix[process,proxy poller,avg,busy] 0
52 Zabbix busy self-monitoring processes, in % zabbix[process,self-monitoring,avg,busy] 0
53 Zabbix busy unreachable poller processes, in % zabbix[process,unreachable poller,avg,busy] 0
54 Zabbix busy timer processes, in % zabbix[process,timer,avg,busy] 0
55 Zabbix busy snmp trapper processes, in %   zabbix[process,snmp trapper,avg,busy] /
56 Zabbix busy timer processes, in % zabbix[process,icmp pinger,avg,busy] 0
57 Zabbix busy snmp trapper processes, in % zabbix[process,http poller,avg,busy] /
58 Zabbix busy icmp pinger processes, in % zabbix[process,icmp pinger,avg,busy 0
59 Zabbix busy http poller processes, in % zabbix[process,http poller,avg,busy] 0.02
60 Zabbix busy alerter processes, in % zabbix[process,alerter,avg,busy] 0
61 Zabbix busy task manager processes, in % zabbix[process,task manager,avg,busy] 0
62 Zabbix busy housekeeper processes, in % zabbix[process,housekeeper,avg,busy] 0
63 Zabbix busy configuration syncer processes, in % zabbix[process,configuration syncer,avg,busy] 0.02
64 Zabbix busy vmware collector processes, in % zabbix[process,vmware collector,avg,busy] /
65 Zabbix busy history syncer processes, in % zabbix[process,history syncer,avg,busy] 0.05
66 Zabbix busy db watchdog processes, in % zabbix[process,db watchdog,avg,busy] 0
67 Zabbix busy discoverer processes, in % zabbix[process,discoverer,avg,busy] 100
68 Zabbix busy escalator processes, in % zabbix[process,escalator,avg,busy] 0.02
69 Zabbix busy trapper processes, in % zabbix[process,trapper,avg,busy] 0
70 Zabbix configuration cache, % free zabbix[rcache,buffer,pfree] 96.07 zabbix的配置缓存空余容量百分比
71 Zabbix history index cache, % free zabbix[wcache,index,pfree] 99.65 zabbix的写缓存的index buffer空余容量百分比
72 Zabbix queue zabbix[queue] 0 zabbix队列中延时的item值个数
73 Zabbix queue over 10m zabbix[queue,10m] 0 10分钟内在zabbix队列中延时的item值个数
74 Zabbix value cache, % free zabbix[vcache,buffer,pfree] 89.84% zabbix的value cache空余容量百分比
75 Zabbix value cache hits zabbix[vcache,cache,hits] 9.51 zabbix的value cache hit次数
76 Zabbix value cache misses zabbix[vcache,cache,misses] 0 zabbix的value cache misses次数
77 Zabbix value cache operating mode zabbix[vcache,cache,mode] Nomal(0) zabbix的value cache的操作模式
78 Zabbix vmware cache, % free zabbix[vmware,buffer,pfree] / zabbix的vmware cache空余容量百分比



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