qLibc Copyright

qLibc is published under 2-clause BSD license known as Simplified BSD License. Please refer the LICENSE document included in the package for more details.

API Reference

  • qlibc Core API Reference

    • Containers for Key/Value pairs

      • Tree Table --- in binary tree(left-leaning red-black tree) data structure.
      • Hash Table --- in hash-based data structure.
      • Static Hash Table --- in fixed size memory(array/mmapped/shared).
      • List Table --- in (doubly) linked-list data structure.
    • Containers for Objects
      • List --- Doubly Linked List.
      • Vector --- implements a growable array of elements.
      • Queue --- FIFO(First In First Out) implementation.
      • Stack --- LIFO(Last In First Out) implementation.
    • General utilities.
      • String --- string trimmer, modifier, replacer, case converter, pattern detectors, ...
      • I/O --- non-blcking I/O, stream reader/writer, ...
      • File --- file locking, file/directory hander, path correctors, ...
      • IPC, Semaphore Shared-memory
      • En/decoders --- Url en/decoder, Base64 en/decoder, Hex en/decoder, ...
      • Hashes --- Murmur hases, FNV hases, MD5 hashes, ...
      • Time --- time diff, time format converstion, ...
  • qLibc Extension API Reference

    • Apache-style Configuration File Parser.
    • INI-style Configuration File Parser.
    • HTTP client.
    • Rotating File Logger.
    • Database(MySQL) interface.
    • Token-Bucket



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