m_pSonicString[1]->Format(_T("/c=%x, a='http://hi.csdn.net/', linkh=0xFF00F0, font, font_height=25, font_bold=1, font_italic=1/点我打开链接uM"),RGB(128,0,32));
m_pSonicString[2]->Format(_T("/c=%x, a='http://hi.csdn.net/', linkh=0xFF00F0, font, font_height=25, font_bold=1, font_italic=0/点我打开链接uM"),RGB(128,0,32));


通过代码分析,发现了作者使用的是 API GetTextExtentPoint32

BOOL GetTextExtentPoint32(  HDC hdc,           // handle to DC
LPCTSTR lpString, // text string int c, // characters in string
LPSIZE lpSize // string size);


if (block.Font.bItalic)
UINT nChar = (UINT)block.strText.GetAt(strlen(block.strText) + -1);
if (nChar >= 0xA0)
nChar = ((UINT)block.strText.GetAt(strlen(block.strText) + -2) >> 8) + nChar;
nChar = nChar & 0xFFFF;
int nWidth;
GetCharWidth32(hdc,nChar ,nChar ,&nWidth);
nBlockWidth = sz.cx + nWidth;
ABC czAbc = {0};
nBlockWidth = sz.cx - czAbc.abcC;
nBlockWidth = sz.cx;

\SonicUI_src\SonicUI\SonicString.cpp  477line     更改支持中英文。

</pre><pre class="cpp" name="code">BOOL GetCharABCWidths(  HDC hdc,         // handle to DC
UINT uFirstChar, // first character in range
UINT uLastChar, // last character in range
LPABC lpabc // array of character widths);




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