#1) HULK


HULK stands for HTTP Unbearable Load King. It is a DoS attack tool for the web server. It is created for research purposes.


  • It can bypass the cache engine.
  • It can generate unique and obscure traffic.
  • It generates a great volume of traffic at the web server.


#2) Tor’s Hammer


This tool is created for testing purposes. It is for slow post attack.


  • If you run it through Tor network then you will remain unidentified.
  • In order to run it through Tor, use
  • With this tool, the attack can be made on Apache and IIS servers.


#3) Slowloris


  • It sends authorized HTTP traffic to the server.
  • It doesn’t affect other services and ports on the target network.
  • This attack tries to keep the maximum connection engaged with those that are open.
  • It achieves this by sending a partial request.
  • It tries to hold the connections as long as possible.
  • As the server keeps the false connection open, this will overflow the connection pool and will deny the request to the true connections.


#4) LOIC

Description: LOIC stands for Low Orbit Ion Cannon. It is a free and popular tool that is available for the DDoS attack.


  • It is easy to use.
  • It sends UDP, TCP, and HTTP requests to the server.
  • It can do the attack based on the URL or IP address of the server.
  • Within seconds, the website will be down and it will stop responding to the actual requests.
  • It will NOT HIDE your IP address. Even using the proxy server will not work. Because in that case, it will make the proxy server a target.


#5) Xoic

Description: It is a DDoS attacking tool. With the help of this tool, the attack can be made on small websites.


  • It is easy to use.
  • It provides three modes to attack.
  • Testing mode.
  • Normal DoS attack mode.
  • DoS attack with TCP or HTTP or UDP or ICMP message.



Description: DDOSIM stands for DDoS Simulator. This tool is for simulating the real DDoS attack. It can attack on the website as well as on the network.


  • It attacks the server by reproducing many Zombie hosts.
  • These hosts create a complete TCP connection with the server.
  • It can do HTTP DDoS attack using valid requests.
  • It can do DDoS attack using invalid requests.
  • It can make an attack on the application layer


#7) RUDY

Description: RUDY stands for R-U-Dead-Yet. This tool makes the attack using a long form field submission through POST method.


  • Interactive console menu.
  • You can select the forms from the URL, for the POST-based DDoS attack.
  • It identifies the form fields for data submission. Then injects the long content length data to this form, at a very slow rate.


#8) PyLoris


This tool is created for testing. To make a DoS attack on the server, this tool uses SOCKS proxies and SSL connections.


  • The attack can be made on HTTP, FTP, SMTP, IMAP, and Telnet.
  • It has an easy to use GUI.
  • It directly makes an attack on service.



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