
 public class DbUtils {

     public static MongoCollection<Document> getMongoCollection(String localhost, int port) {
MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient(localhost, port);
MongoDatabase mongoDatabase = mongoClient.getDatabase("admin");
System.out.println("Connect to database successfully");
MongoCollection collection = mongoDatabase.getCollection("person");
return collection;


 public class ListEnterpriseAdapterDaoImpl  implements ListEnterpriseAdapterDao{

public void saveEnterprise(List<Enterprise> enterpriseList,long projectId) { MongoCollection<Document> collection = DbUtils.getMongoCollection("",27017);
for(Enterprise enterprise:enterpriseList){
String jsonData = JSON.toJSONString(enterpriseList);
Random random = new Random();
long fid = random.nextLong();
long fTenantId = random.nextLong();
Document document = new Document();
document.append("F_ID", fid);
document.append("F_PROJECT_ID", projectId);
document.append("F_RAW_DATA", jsonData);


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