
ArcGIS Engine Developer Kit10 可以从VeryCD上下载到.其不需要破解,只需要你有一个已经安装好了的Lincense Manage.授权Engine即可.


可以看到有几项:Runtime / .net/C++/VBA/ArcSDE for Sql Server(x64+x86)/ArcGIS Data Interoperability Extension/License Manager

其中JAVA /ArcGIS Data Interoperability Extension/License Manager 一般在ArcGIS 10  Server或DevelopKit中 都有的!!

也就是说 Engine里面 新添加的有 跨平台CPP 和Engine Runtime.至于.net 我估计和Java DevelopKit一样,在其他版本中也有.


需要说明的是:.net CPP 都需要先安装Visual Studio.

安装完毕后,在开始菜单的Develop Hlep中就多了ArcObjects Help for C++ (VS2010) ArcObjects Help for .NET (VS2010)  ArcObjects Help for VBA三个菜单项.

点击 C++ 或 .Net的帮助菜单提示 找不到帮助信息:

The topic you requested could not be found in local help.
1. Have you installed the local help content?
2. How to install and configure local help using Help Library Manager. Check online for your topic at:
http://msdn.microsoft.com/query/dev10.query?appId=Dev10IDEF1&l=EN-US&k=k(%2256E06BC0-D1C7-4E8C-B695-3A5D6DB1329C%22)&rd=true Other options to try Do you have the right content installed locally?
How to add new content to your local help store with Help Library Manager. How to enable online only help.

按照提示1,查找相应的帮助文件(install and configure local help 文字有链接到本地MSDN帮助系统)

Installing Offline Content from Media
The name of the file that HLM uses to install content is HelpContentSetup.msha. The MSHA file is an HTML file that identifies help content that can be installed locally. Use the following instructions to find and install help content from media. Launch Help Library Manager from the "Help" menu in your software application. Click "Help" > "Manage Help settings". After HLM launches, click "Install content from disk". Navigate to the directory that contains the content setup file (HelpContentSetup.msha). Select the file and click "OK". The next window shows the content available on the media, and any content that is already installed. Select the content to install by clicking the "Add" action next to the content title. When you are finished selecting content to install, click the "Update" button at the bottom of the screen. HLM will install the content and report on its progress.

方法就是:在目录 C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcGIS\DeveloperKit10.0\Help 下面有 VS\2010\ArcObjects 目录,大小为306MB,并且有helpcontentsetup.msha 文件,这是html文件的本地html应用程序.开始我还不知道如何打开,关联到mshta.exe后,发现也就是打开对应的cab文件,其实mshta是Visual Studio的MSDN帮助文件系统的本地帮助包安装程序,打开MSDN的

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Help Viewer\v1.0\HelpLibManager.exe" /product VS /version 100 /locale zh-CN /brandingPackage Dev10.mshc  (管理帮助设置 - CHS)

选择从磁盘安装内容,输入developKit的位置下help里面 相应的*.mshta文件位置,然后点击添加 就开始安装了.

一共有ArcObjects_VCPP ArcObjects_NET ArcObjects_CPP 三个目录下的helpcontentsetup.msha 文件,安装三次 就可以把ArcGIS 的engine for VCPP Net CPP 的帮助文档安装到Visual Studio的本地MSDN了.以后就可以轻松从Visual Studio 2010 查找到这个帮助信息了.


另外从ArcGIS /Develop Help/ArcObjects Help for .NET (VS2010) 打开的链接如下:

提示404 无法找到帮助信息,但是我的ArcGIS 帮助文档确实安装了,怎么回事呢? 后来通过从Visual Studio打开的MSDN帮助 中的 arcgis help对比,发现将上面的链接最后的locale删除就可以打开了:

真是无比蛋疼啊。ArcGIS 做的这东西 也太恶心了吧。

接下来遇到的问题是:如何在 VS2010 专业版中 创建 ArcGIS 的工程呢??继续研究。。。


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