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Standard Template Library: Algorithms

The header <algorithm>
A range is any sequence of objects that can be accessed through iterators or pointers, such as an array or an instance of some of the . Notice though, that algorithms operate through iterators directly on the values, not affecting in any way the structure of any possible container (it never affects the size or storage allocation of the container).


Non-modifying sequence operations

  • any_of

    Test if any element in range fulfills condition (function template )

  • none_of

    Test if no elements fulfill condition (function template )

  • for_each

    Apply function to range (function template )

  • find

    Find value in range (function template )

  • find_if

    Find element in range (function template )

  • find_if_not

    Find element in range (negative condition) (function template )

  • find_end

    Find last subsequence in range (function template )

  • find_first_of

    Find element from set in range (function template )

  • adjacent_find

    Find equal adjacent elements in range (function template )

  • count

    Count appearances of value in range (function template )

  • count_if

    Return number of elements in range satisfying condition (function template )

  • mismatch

    Return first position where two ranges differ (function template )

  • equal

    Test whether the elements in two ranges are equal (function template )

  • is_permutation

    Test whether range is permutation of another (function template )

  • search

    Search range for subsequence (function template )

  • search_n

    Search range for elements (function template )

Modifying sequence operations

  • copy_n

    Copy elements (function template )

  • copy_if

    Copy certain elements of range (function template )

  • copy_backward

    Copy range of elements backward (function template )

  • move

    Move range of elements (function template )

  • move_backward

    Move range of elements backward (function template )

  • swap

    Exchange values of two objects (function template )

  • swap_ranges

    Exchange values of two ranges (function template )

  • iter_swap

    Exchange values of objects pointed to by two iterators (function template )

  • transform

    Transform range (function template )

  • replace

    Replace value in range (function template )

  • replace_if

    Replace values in range (function template )

  • replace_copy

    Copy range replacing value (function template )

  • replace_copy_if

    Copy range replacing value (function template )

  • fill

    Fill range with value (function template )

  • fill_n

    Fill sequence with value (function template )

  • generate

    Generate values for range with function (function template )

  • generate_n

    Generate values for sequence with function (function template )

  • remove

    Remove value from range (function template )

  • remove_if

    Remove elements from range (function template )

  • remove_copy

    Copy range removing value (function template )

  • remove_copy_if

    Copy range removing values (function template )

  • unique

    Remove consecutive duplicates in range (function template )

  • unique_copy

    Copy range removing duplicates (function template )

  • reverse

    Reverse range (function template )

  • reverse_copy

    Copy range reversed (function template )

  • rotate

    Rotate left the elements in range (function template )

  • rotate_copy

    Copy range rotated left (function template )

  • random_shuffle

    Randomly rearrange elements in range (function template )

  • shuffle

    Randomly rearrange elements in range using generator (function template )



  • stable_sort

    Sort elements preserving order of equivalents (function template )

  • partial_sort

    Partially sort elements in range (function template )

  • partial_sort_copy

    Copy and partially sort range (function template )

  • is_sorted

    Check whether range is sorted (function template )

  • is_sorted_until

    Find first unsorted element in range (function template )

  • nth_element

    Sort element in range (function template )

Binary search

  • upper_bound

    Return iterator to upper bound (function template )

  • equal_range

    Get subrange of equal elements (function template )

  • binary_search

    Test if value exists in sorted sequence (function template )


  • inplace_merge

    Merge consecutive sorted ranges (function template )

  • includes

    Test whether sorted range includes another sorted range (function template )

  • set_union

    Union of two sorted ranges (function template )

  • set_intersection

    Intersection of two sorted ranges (function template )

  • set_difference

    Difference of two sorted ranges (function template )

  • set_symmetric_difference

    Symmetric difference of two sorted ranges (function template )


  • pop_heap

    Pop element from heap range (function template )

  • make_heap

    Make heap from range (function template )

  • sort_heap

    Sort elements of heap (function template )

  • is_heap

    Test if range is heap (function template )

  • is_heap_until

    Find first element not in heap order (function template )


  • max

    Return the largest (function template )

  • minmax

    Return smallest and largest elements (function template )

  • min_element

    Return smallest element in range (function template )

  • max_element

    Return largest element in range (function template )

  • minmax_element

    Return smallest and largest elements in range (function template )



Generalized numeric operations

This header describes a set of algorithms to perform certain operations on sequences of numeric values.

Due to their flexibility, they can also be adapted for other kinds of sequences.


  • accumulate

    Accumulate values in range (function template )

  • adjacent_difference

    Compute adjacent difference of range (function template )

  • inner_product

    Compute cumulative inner product of range (function template )

  • partial_sum

    Compute partial sums of range (function template )

  • iota

    Store increasing sequence (function template )


Function objects

Function objects

They are typically used as arguments to functions, such as predicates or comparison functions passed to standard algorithms


These functions create objects of wrapper classes based on its arguments:

  • cref

    Construct reference_wrapper to const (function template )

  • mem_fn

    Convert member function to function object (function template )

  • not1

    Return negation of unary function object (function template )

  • not2

    Return negation of binary function object (function template )

  • ref

    Construct reference_wrapper (function template )


Wrapper classes

Wrapper classes

Operator classes

Operator classes

  • bit_or

    Bitwise OR function object class (class template )

  • bit_xor

    Bitwise XOR function object class (class template )

  • divides

    Division function object class (class template )

  • equal_to

    Function object class for equality comparison (class template )

  • greater

    Function object class for greater-than inequality comparison (class template )

  • greater_equal

    Function object class for greater-than-or-equal-to comparison (class template )

  • less

    Function object class for less-than inequality comparison (class template )

  • less_equal

    Function object class for less-than-or-equal-to comparison (class template )

  • logical_and

    Logical AND function object class (class template )

  • logical_not

    Logical NOT function object class (class template )

  • logical_or

    Logical OR function object class (class template )

  • minus

    Subtraction function object class (class template )

  • modulus

    Modulus function object class (class template )

  • multiplies

    Multiplication function object class (class template )

  • negate

    Negative function object class (class template )

  • not_equal_to

    Function object class for non-equality comparison (class template )

  • plus

    Addition function object class (class template )

Other classes



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