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doc 目录是一些第三方的文档工具




1. Hive中创建外部表,关联hbase

CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE event_log_20180728(
key string,
pl string,
ver string,
s_time string,
u_ud string,
u_sd string,
en string)
STORED BY 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.hbase.HBaseStorageHandler'
WITH SERDEPROPERTIES ("hbase.columns.mapping" = ":key,info:pl,info:ver,info:s_time,info:u_ud,info:u_sd,info:en")
TBLPROPERTIES("hbase.table.name" = "event_log_20180728");


select count(*) from event_log_20180728 where en="e_l";

2. 提取数据,进行初步的数据过滤操作,最终将数据保存到临时表


CREATE TABLE stats_hourly_tmp01(
pl string,
ver string,
s_time string,
u_ud string,
u_sd string,
en string,
`date` string,
hour int


INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE stats_hourly_tmp01
SELECT pl,ver,s_time,u_ud,u_sd,en,
from_unixtime(cast(s_time/1000 as int),'yyyy-MM-dd'), hour(from_unixtime(cast(s_time/1000 as int),'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'))
FROM event_log_20200510
WHERE en="e_l" or en="e_pv";

SELECT from_unixtime(cast(s_time/1000 as int),'yyyy-MM-dd'),from_unixtime(cast(s_time/1000 as int),'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') FROM event_log_20180728;


3. 具体kpi的分析


CREATE TABLE stats_hourly_tmp02(
pl string,
ver string,
`date` string,
kpi string,
hour int,
value int

统计活跃用户 u_ud 有多少就有多少用户


INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE stats_hourly_tmp02
SELECT pl,ver,`date`,'hourly_new_install_users' as kpi,hour,COUNT(distinct u_ud) as v
FROM stats_hourly_tmp01
WHERE en="e_l"
GROUP BY pl,ver,`date`,hour;



会话长度 = 一个会话中最后一条记录的时间 - 第一条的记录时间 = maxtime - mintime


1. 计算出每个会话的会话长度 group by u_sd

2. 统计每个区间段的总会话长度



SELECT pl,ver,`date`,'hourly_session_length' as kpi,hour, sum(s_length)/1000 as v
SELECT pl,ver,`date`,hour,u_sd,(max(s_time) - min(s_time)) as s_length
FROM stats_hourly_tmp01
GROUP BY pl,ver,`date`,hour,u_sd
) tmp
GROUP BY pl,ver,`date`,hour;



窄表转宽表 => 转换的结果保存到临时表中

CREATE TABLE stats_hourly_tmp03(
pl string, ver string, `date` string, kpi string,
hour00 int, hour01 int, hour02 int, hour03 int,
hour04 int, hour05 int, hour06 int, hour07 int,
hour08 int, hour09 int, hour10 int, hour11 int,
hour12 int, hour13 int, hour14 int, hour15 int,
hour16 int, hour17 int, hour18 int, hour19 int,
hour20 int, hour21 int, hour22 int, hour23 int

INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE stats_hourly_tmp03
SELECT pl,ver,`date`,kpi,
max(case when hour=0 then value else 0 end) as h0,
max(case when hour=1 then value else 0 end) as h1,
max(case when hour=2 then value else 0 end) as h2,
max(case when hour=3 then value else 0 end) as h3,
max(case when hour=4 then value else 0 end) as h4,
max(case when hour=5 then value else 0 end) as h5,
max(case when hour=6 then value else 0 end) as h6,
max(case when hour=7 then value else 0 end) as h7,
max(case when hour=8 then value else 0 end) as h8,
max(case when hour=9 then value else 0 end) as h9,
max(case when hour=10 then value else 0 end) as h10,
max(case when hour=11 then value else 0 end) as h11,
max(case when hour=12 then value else 0 end) as h12,
max(case when hour=13 then value else 0 end) as h13,
max(case when hour=14 then value else 0 end) as h14,
max(case when hour=15 then value else 0 end) as h15,
max(case when hour=16 then value else 0 end) as h16,
max(case when hour=17 then value else 0 end) as h17,
max(case when hour=18 then value else 0 end) as h18,
max(case when hour=19 then value else 0 end) as h19,
max(case when hour=20 then value else 0 end) as h20,
max(case when hour=21 then value else 0 end) as h21,
max(case when hour=22 then value else 0 end) as h22,
max(case when hour=23 then value else 0 end) as h23
FROM stats_hourly_tmp02
GROUP BY pl,ver,`date`,kpi;

select hour14,hour15,hour16 from stats_hourly_tmp03;



1. 将udf文件夹中的所有自定义HIVE的UDF放到项目中

2. 使用run maven install环境进行打包

3. 将打包形成的jar文件上传到HDFS上的/jar文件夹中

4. hive中创建自定义函数,命令如下:

create function dateconverter as 'com.xlgl.wzy.hive.udf.DateDimensionConverterUDF' using jar 'hdfs://master:9000/jar/transformer-0.0.1.jar';

create function kpiconverter as 'com.xlgl.wzy.hive.udf.KpiDimensionConverterUDF' using jar 'hdfs://master:9000/jar/transformer-0.0.1.jar';

create function platformconverter as 'com.xlgl.wzy.hive.udf.PlatformDimensionConverterUDF' using jar 'hdfs://master:9000/jar/transformer-0.0.1.jar';


CREATE TABLE stats_hourly(
platform_dimension_id int,
date_dimension_id int,
kpi_dimension_id int,
hour00 int, hour01 int, hour02 int, hour03 int,
hour04 int, hour05 int, hour06 int, hour07 int,
hour08 int, hour09 int, hour10 int, hour11 int,
hour12 int, hour13 int, hour14 int, hour15 int,
hour16 int, hour17 int, hour18 int, hour19 int,
hour20 int, hour21 int, hour22 int, hour23 int

platformconverter(pl,ver), dateconverter(`date`,'day'),kpiconverter(kpi),
hour00 , hour01 , hour02 , hour03 ,
hour04 , hour05 , hour06 , hour07 ,
hour08 , hour09 , hour10 , hour11 ,
hour12 , hour13 , hour14 , hour15 ,
hour16 , hour17 , hour18 , hour19 ,
hour20 , hour21 , hour22 , hour23
FROM stats_hourly_tmp03;


bin/sqoop export \
--connect jdbc:mysql://master:3306/test \
--username root \
--password 123456 \
--table stats_hourly \
--export-dir /user/hive/warehouse/log_lx.db/stats_hourly \
-m 1 \
--input-fields-terminated-by '\001'



  1. P,NP,NP_hard,NP_complete问题定义
  2. start with connect by prior 递归查询用法
  3. js实现无刷新表单提交文件,将ajax请求转换为form请求方法
  4. HDU 1878 欧拉回路 图论
  5. 输入一个字符串,内有数字和非数字字符,将其中连续的数字作为一个整数,依次存放到一数组a中。统计共有多少个整数,并输出这些数。
  6. canvas绘制清晰的方法
  7. Unity3D延迟回调的封装
  8. 怎样在xcode中使用storyboard
  9. android笔试题
  10. Ruby: Count unique elements and their occurences in an array
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  12. Beep函数实现硬件蜂鸣声
  13. 101210-450789-147200(可以激活Xshell5,而且可以升级) 亲测可用 只能用于xshell5
  14. [Solution] 821. Shortest Distance to a Character
  15. 解决UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position 0-1: ordinal not in range
  16. 【iCore4 双核心板_uC/OS-II】例程六:信号量——任务同步
  17. 工控安全入门之Modbus(转载)
  18. Windows下Anaconda的安装和简单使用
  19. 1到n的整数中,1出现的次数
  20. MySQL服务无法启动,错误代码1067


  1. C#获取Windows10屏幕的缩放比例
  2. C#文件操作(IO流 摘抄)
  3. 为什么要用urlencode()函数进行url编码
  4. Simple iPhone Keychain Access
  5. JAVA使用百度链接实时推送API提交链接
  6. JAVA中JDK1.8的LocalDateTime日期类的操作方法
  7. 【LeetCode】575. Distribute Candies 解题报告(Java & Python)
  8. 【LeetCode】898. Bitwise ORs of Subarrays 解题报告(Python)
  9. FAT
  10. NeRF: Representing Scenes as Neural Radiance Fields for View Synthesis