Polly 弹性瞬时错误处理库



  • 超时与重试(Timeout and Retry)
  • 熔断器(Circuit Breaker)
  • 舱壁隔离(Bulkhead Isolation)
  • 回退(Fallback)


// Retry multiple times, calling an action on each retry
// with the current exception and retry count
.Retry(3, onRetry: (exception, retryCount) =>
// Add logic to be executed before each retry, such as logging



当然是使用 Norns.Urd 这些AOP框架封装我们常用的东西做成 Attribute


我们来尝试将 Retry功能 做成 RetryAttribute

  1. 安装 AOP 框架

dotnet add package Norns.Urd
  1. 编写 Retry InterceptorAttribute
    public class RetryAttribute : AbstractInterceptorAttribute
private readonly int retryCount; public RetryAttribute(int retryCount)
this.retryCount = retryCount;
} public override async Task InvokeAsync(AspectContext context, AsyncAspectDelegate next)
await Policy.Handle<Exception>()
.ExecuteAsync(() => next(context));
  1. 考虑到 async 和 sync 在Polly 有差异,那么我们兼容一下吧
    public class RetryAttribute : AbstractInterceptorAttribute
private readonly int retryCount; public RetryAttribute(int retryCount)
this.retryCount = retryCount;
} public override void Invoke(AspectContext context, AspectDelegate next)
.Execute(() => next(context));
} public override async Task InvokeAsync(AspectContext context, AsyncAspectDelegate next)
await Policy.Handle<Exception>()
.ExecuteAsync(() => next(context));
  1. 我们来做个测试吧
    public class RetryTest
public class DoRetryTest
public int Count { get; set; } [Retry(2)] // 使用 Retry
public virtual void Do()
if (Count < 50)
Count++; // 每调用一次就加1
throw new FieldAccessException();
} public DoRetryTest Mock()
return new ServiceCollection()
} [Fact]
public void RetryWhenSync()
var sut = Mock();
Assert.Throws<FieldAccessException>(() => sut.Do());
Assert.Equal(3, sut.Count); //我们期望调用总共 3 次

是的,就是这样,我们可以在任何地方使用 RetryAttribute

当然,一些常见的方法已经封装在了 Norns.Urd.Extensions.Polly


如何启用 Norns.Urd + Polly, 只需使用EnablePolly()


new ServiceCollection()
.ConfigureAop(i => i.EnablePolly())


[Timeout(seconds: 1)]  // timeout 1 seconds, when timeout will throw TimeoutRejectedException
double Wait(double seconds); [Timeout(timeSpan: "00:00:00.100")] // timeout 100 milliseconds, only work on async method when no CancellationToken
async Task<double> WaitAsync(double seconds, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default); [Timeout(timeSpan: "00:00:01")] // timeout 1 seconds, but no work on async method when no CancellationToken
async Task<double> NoCancellationTokenWaitAsync(double seconds);


[Retry(retryCount: 2, ExceptionType = typeof(AccessViolationException))]  // retry 2 times when if throw Exception
void Do()


[CircuitBreaker(exceptionsAllowedBeforeBreaking: 3, durationOfBreak: "00:00:01")]
[AdvancedCircuitBreaker(failureThreshold: 0.1, samplingDuration: "00:00:01", minimumThroughput: 3, durationOfBreak: "00:00:01")]
void Do()


[Bulkhead(maxParallelization: 5, maxQueuingActions: 10)]
void Do()

有关 Norns.Urd, 大家可以查看 https://fs7744.github.io/Norns.Urd/zh-cn/index.html


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