# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Define your item pipelines here
# Don't forget to add your pipeline to the ITEM_PIPELINES setting
# See: https://doc.scrapy.org/en/latest/topics/item-pipeline.html
import csv
import xlwt class GanjiPipeline(object): def __init__(self):
self.line = 1
self.file_name = "赶集.xls"
self.book = xlwt.Workbook(encoding="utf8")
self.sheet = self.book.add_sheet("租房数据")
self.sheet.col(0).width = 256 * 70 # Set the column w
self.sheet.col(1).width = 256 * 10
self.sheet.col(2).width = 256 * 10
self.sheet.col(3).width = 256 * 10
self.sheet.col(4).width = 256 * 50 self.tall_style = xlwt.easyxf('font:height 300')
first_row = self.sheet.row(0)
first_row.set_style(self.tall_style) head = ["标题","价格","面积","朝向","地址"]
for h in head:
self.sheet.write(0,head.index(h),h) def process_item(self, item, spider):
self.sheet.write(self.line, 0, item['title'])
self.sheet.write(int(self.line), 1, item['price'])
self.sheet.write(int(self.line), 2, item['size'])
self.sheet.write(int(self.line), 3, item['chaoxiang'])
self.sheet.write(int(self.line), 4, item['address'])
self.line = self.line + 1 def close_spider(self,spider):
self.book.save(self.file_name) def optimizeContent(self,res):
res = res.replace('b\'', '')
res = res.replace('\\n', '')
res = res.replace('\'', '')
res = res.replace('style', 'nouse')
res = res.replace('\.', '')
return res


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