TIOBE Index for October 2018


October Headline: Swift is knocking at the door of the TIOBE index top 10

TIOBE 指数发布了 10 月份的编程语言排行榜,排名前三的依旧是Java、C、C++。

The top 9 of programming languages in the TIOBE index is quite stable now for some time, but the number 10 position is changing almost every month. This month Swift is trying to become a permanent member of the TIOBE index top 10. In the recent past Ruby and Perl were fighting for this position but they both seem to have had their best time. There seem to be 3 serious candidates for the top 10 position at the moment: Swift, Go and R, but even these are uncertain. Swift is clearly the number one programming language to develop mobile apps for iOS. Although Swift is now also available for Android (apart from its home platform iOS), it is not used that often for Android development yet, so you see developers move to "write once deploy everywhere" frameworks instead. Programming language R on the other hand is getting serious competition from Python nowadays. And for the Go programming language it is unclear what makes it stand out when compared to other programming languages. Let's see what is going to happen.

IMPORTANT NOTE. SQL has been added again to the TIOBE index since February 2018. The reason for this is that SQL appears to be Turing complete. As a consequence, there is no recent history for the language and thus it might seem that the SQL language is rising very fast. This is not the case.

The TIOBE Programming Community index is an indicator of the popularity of programming languages. The index is updated once a month. The ratings are based on the number of skilled engineers world-wide, courses and third party vendors. Popular search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo!, Wikipedia, Amazon, YouTube and Baidu are used to calculate the ratings. It is important to note that the TIOBE index is not about the best programming language or the language in which most lines of code have been written.

The index can be used to check whether your programming skills are still up to date or to make a strategic decision about what programming language should be adopted when starting to build a new software system. The definition of the TIOBE index can be found here.


  1. delphi连接sql存储过程
  2. 使用复合设计模式扩展持久化的CURD,Select能力
  3. Save()saveOrUpdate()Hibernate的merge()方法
  4. 【Java EE 学习 25 下】【网上图书商城js小技术点总结】
  5. ssh架构简单解释和vo po解释
  6. iOS设置圆角矩形和阴影效果
  7. DI 之 3.1 DI的配置使用(肆)
  8. Hdu 1507 Uncle Tom's Inherited Land* 分类: Brush Mode 2014-07-30 09:28 112人阅读 评论(0) 收藏
  9. Java中Volatile关键字详解
  10. opencv 彩色图像亮度、对比度调节 直方图均衡化
  11. 一款很不错的FLASH时种插件
  12. struts2标签 遍历map集合
  13. linq to sql DAL
  14. Mysql锁机制--写锁
  15. Android事件分发回传机制
  16. Python——pyqt5——智能提示(lineEdit/conmbobox)
  17. C++ Opencv split()通道分离函数 merge()通道合并函数 使用操作详解
  18. CSS 的三种样式 内联 内部 外部
  19. SpringMVC异常处理方式
  20. android 点击通知栏返回应用 ,非启动一个新Activity


  1. Spring源码分析 手写简单IOC容器
  2. Jmeter 断言-检查点
  3. 使用枚举类Enum作为callee和caller的约定,运用反射消除分支和重复代码在命令式程序中的应用
  4. Django-配置镜像源,虚拟环境详解
  5. 小程序开发-6个优秀的UI组件库
  6. shell进行微信报警的简单应用
  7. python链表从尾到头的顺序返回一个ArrayList
  8. NX二次开发-NX访问MySQL数据库(增删改查)
  9. 用华为HMS ML kit人体骨骼识别技术,Android快速实现人体姿势动作抓拍 
  10. Docker之概述