Thanks for posting these tips. I was devastated when my project dropped to 3 FPS because material properties don't work out of the box. I was able to edit the generated shader to go from 5000 draw calls to ~15. Here are some relevant snippets. I am only changing the color of my game objects in this example

Find all of these blocks of code (there are several copies)

Code (CSharp):
  1. CBUFFER_START(UnityPerMaterial)
  2. float4 _BaseColor;

Replace them with this

Code (CSharp):
  1. CBUFFER_START(UnityPerMaterial)
  3. UNITY_DEFINE_INSTANCED_PROP(float4, _BaseColor)

Then find every instance of _BaseColor in the shader functions (there are several copies)

Code (CSharp):
  1.  SurfaceDescription SurfaceDescriptionFunction(SurfaceDescriptionInputs IN) {
  2.         SurfaceDescription surface = (SurfaceDescription)0;
  3.         float4 _Property_A850853A_Out_0 = _BaseColor;
  4.         ....

Replace them with UNITY_ACCESS_INSTANCED_PROP(Props, _BaseColor)

Code (CSharp):
  1. SurfaceDescription SurfaceDescriptionFunction(SurfaceDescriptionInputs IN) {
  2.         SurfaceDescription surface = (SurfaceDescription)0;
  3.         float4 _Property_A850853A_Out_0 = UNITY_ACCESS_INSTANCED_PROP(Props, _BaseColor);
  4.         ...

And lastly don't forget to set the material properties on your game object

Code (CSharp):
  1. int colorPropId = Shader.PropertyToID("_BaseColor");
  2. var matProps = new MaterialPropertyBlock();
  3. matProps.SetColor(colorPropId, color);
  4. renderer.SetPropertyBlock(matProps);


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