遗传算法 Genetic Algorithms

遗传算法是一种“adaptive heuristic search algorithm”(自适应启发式搜索算法),虽不明、但觉厉。其实遗传算法的思路很朴素,实现起来也并不复杂(用到一点点生物学科普级别的知识,学科交叉还挺有趣的)。




  • 问题的一个解,对应于一个“个体”(这是一种只有一个染色体的简单物种)
  • 一个解应该由一个字符串来表示,其中一个字符对应于“基因”
  • 存在一个判断机制来充当“优胜劣汰”机制,帮助我们判断哪些解更有价值
  • 并让这些解“交配”,期望在下一代解中优质解变得更多









  1. 选择环节


  1. 交配环节


  1. 变异环节



用遗传算法打印,“welcome to ticmis's blog”


// C++ program to create target string, starting from
// random string using Genetic Algorithm #include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std; // Number of individuals in each generation
#define POPULATION_SIZE 100 // Valid Genes
const string GENES = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP"\
"QRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890,'.-;:_!\"#%&/()=?@${[]}"; // Target string to be generated
const string TARGET = "Welcome to ticmis's blog"; // Function to generate random numbers in given range
int random_num(int start, int end)
int range = (end-start)+1;
int random_int = start+(rand()%range);
return random_int;
} // Create random genes for mutation
char mutated_genes()
int len = GENES.size();
int r = random_num(0, len-1);
return GENES[r];
} // create chromosome or string of genes
string create_gnome()
int len = TARGET.size();
string gnome = "";
for(int i = 0;i<len;i++)
gnome += mutated_genes();
return gnome;
} // Class representing individual in population
class Individual
string chromosome;
int fitness;
Individual(string chromosome);
Individual mate(Individual parent2);
int cal_fitness();
}; Individual::Individual(string chromosome)
this->chromosome = chromosome;
fitness = cal_fitness();
}; // Perform mating and produce new offspring
Individual Individual::mate(Individual par2)
// chromosome for offspring
string child_chromosome = ""; int len = chromosome.size();
for(int i = 0;i<len;i++)
// random probability
float p = random_num(0, 100)/100; // if prob is less than 0.45, insert gene
// from parent 1
if(p < 0.45)
child_chromosome += chromosome[i]; // if prob is between 0.45 and 0.90, insert
// gene from parent 2
else if(p < 0.90)
child_chromosome += par2.chromosome[i]; // otherwise insert random gene(mutate),
// for maintaining diversity
child_chromosome += mutated_genes();
} // create new Individual(offspring) using
// generated chromosome for offspring
return Individual(child_chromosome);
}; // Calculate fitness score, it is the number of
// characters in string which differ from target
// string.
int Individual::cal_fitness()
int len = TARGET.size();
int fitness = 0;
for(int i = 0;i<len;i++)
if(chromosome[i] != TARGET[i])
return fitness;
}; // Overloading < operator
bool operator<(const Individual &ind1, const Individual &ind2)
return ind1.fitness < ind2.fitness;
} // Driver code
int main()
srand((unsigned)(time(0))); // current generation
int generation = 0; vector<Individual> population;
bool found = false; // create initial population
for(int i = 0;i<POPULATION_SIZE;i++)
string gnome = create_gnome();
} while(! found)
// sort the population in increasing order of fitness score
sort(population.begin(), population.end()); // if the individual having lowest fitness score ie.
// 0 then we know that we have reached to the target
// and break the loop
if(population[0].fitness <= 0)
found = true;
} // Otherwise generate new offsprings for new generation
vector<Individual> new_generation; // Perform Elitism, that mean 10% of fittest population
// goes to the next generation
int s = (10*POPULATION_SIZE)/100;
for(int i = 0;i<s;i++)
new_generation.push_back(population[i]); // From 50% of fittest population, Individuals
// will mate to produce offspring
s = (90*POPULATION_SIZE)/100;
for(int i = 0;i<s;i++)
int len = population.size();
int r = random_num(0, 50);
Individual parent1 = population[r];
r = random_num(0, 50);
Individual parent2 = population[r];
Individual offspring = parent1.mate(parent2);
population = new_generation;
cout<< "Generation: " << generation << "\t";
cout<< "String: "<< population[0].chromosome <<"\t";
cout<< "Fitness: "<< population[0].fitness << "\n"; generation++;
cout<< "Generation: " << generation << "\t";
cout<< "String: "<< population[0].chromosome <<"\t";
cout<< "Fitness: "<< population[0].fitness << "\n";


# Python3 program to create target string, starting from
# random string using Genetic Algorithm import random # Number of individuals in each generation
POPULATION_SIZE = 100 # Valid genes
GENES = '''abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP
QRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890,'.-;:_!"#%&/()=?@${[]}''' # Target string to be generated
TARGET = "Welcome to ticmis's blog" class Individual(object):
Class representing individual in population
def __init__(self, chromosome):
self.chromosome = chromosome
self.fitness = self.cal_fitness() @classmethod
def mutated_genes(self):
create random genes for mutation
global GENES
gene = random.choice(GENES)
return gene @classmethod
def create_gnome(self):
create chromosome or string of genes
global TARGET
gnome_len = len(TARGET)
return [self.mutated_genes() for _ in range(gnome_len)] def mate(self, par2):
Perform mating and produce new offspring
''' # chromosome for offspring
child_chromosome = []
for gp1, gp2 in zip(self.chromosome, par2.chromosome): # random probability
prob = random.random() # if prob is less than 0.45, insert gene
# from parent 1
if prob < 0.45:
child_chromosome.append(gp1) # if prob is between 0.45 and 0.90, insert
# gene from parent 2
elif prob < 0.90:
child_chromosome.append(gp2) # otherwise insert random gene(mutate),
# for maintaining diversity
child_chromosome.append(self.mutated_genes()) # create new Individual(offspring) using
# generated chromosome for offspring
return Individual(child_chromosome) def cal_fitness(self):
Calculate fitness score, it is the number of
characters in string which differ from target
global TARGET
fitness = 0
for gs, gt in zip(self.chromosome, TARGET):
if gs != gt: fitness+= 1
return fitness # Driver code
def main():
global POPULATION_SIZE #current generation
generation = 1 found = False
population = [] # create initial population
for _ in range(POPULATION_SIZE):
gnome = Individual.create_gnome()
population.append(Individual(gnome)) while not found: # sort the population in increasing order of fitness score
population = sorted(population, key = lambda x:x.fitness) # if the individual having lowest fitness score ie.
# 0 then we know that we have reached to the target
# and break the loop
if population[0].fitness <= 0:
found = True
break # Otherwise generate new offsprings for new generation
new_generation = [] # Perform Elitism, that mean 10% of fittest population
# goes to the next generation
s = int((10*POPULATION_SIZE)/100)
new_generation.extend(population[:s]) # From 50% of fittest population, Individuals
# will mate to produce offspring
s = int((90*POPULATION_SIZE)/100)
for _ in range(s):
parent1 = random.choice(population[:50])
parent2 = random.choice(population[:50])
child = parent1.mate(parent2)
new_generation.append(child) population = new_generation print("Generation: {}\tString: {}\tFitness: {}".\
population[0].fitness)) generation += 1 print("Generation: {}\tString: {}\tFitness: {}".\
population[0].fitness)) if __name__ == '__main__':


Generation: 0 String: BLQx{m?"d}#tz#zXQ"#xw1Pv Fitness: 22

Generation: 1 String: WokJyv' a.oH{4Ch6u.EyK$_ Fitness: 22

Generation: 2 String: r&s4Sd7f![MAm?_R9#5 f3wg Fitness: 22

Generation: 3 String: r&s4Sd7f![MAm?_R9#5 f3wg Fitness: 22

Generation: 4 String: r&s4Sd7f![MAm?_R9#5 f3Zg Fitness: 22

Generation: 5 String: BLQx{m?"d}#tz#zXQ"#xw1Pv Fitness: 22

Generation: 6 String: r&s4Sd7f![MAm?_R9#5 f3wg Fitness: 22

Generation: 7 String: [&s4Sd7f![MAm?_R9#5 f3Zg Fitness: 22




Generation: 858 String: Welcome to t'cmis's blog Fitness: 1

Generation: 859 String: Welcome to tTcmis's blog Fitness: 1

Generation: 860 String: Welcome to tCcmis's blog Fitness: 1

Generation: 861 String: Welcome to tCcmis's blog Fitness: 1

Generation: 862 String: Welcome to ticmis's blog Fitness: 0


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