


  函数名: fseek

  功 能: 重定位流上的文件指针

  用 法: int fseek(FILE *stream, long offset, int fromwhere);

  描 述: 函数设置文件指针stream的位置。假设运行成功,stream将指向以fromwhere为基准,偏移offset个字     节的位置。


返回值: 成功,返回0,否则返回其它值。

  fseek position the file position pointer for the file referenced by stream to the byte location calculated by offset.


#include <stdio.h>
long filesize(FILE *stream);
int main(void)
FILE *stream;
stream = fopen("MYFILE.TXT", "w+");
fprintf(stream, "This is a test");
printf("Filesize of MYFILE.TXT is %ld bytes\n", filesize(stream));
return 0;
long filesize(FILE *stream)
long curpos, length;
curpos = ftell(stream);
fseek(stream, 0L, SEEK_END);
length = ftell(stream);
fseek(stream, curpos, SEEK_SET);
return length;

int fseek( FILE *stream, long offset, int origin );



  第三个參数origin设定从文件的哪里開始偏移,可能取值为:SEEK_CUR、 SEEK_END 或 SEEK_SET

  SEEK_SET: 文件开头

  SEEK_CUR: 当前位置

  SEEK_END: 文件结尾







  #include <stdio.h>
#define N 5
typedef struct student {
long sno;
char name[10];
float score[3];
} STU;
void fun(char *filename, STU n)
FILE *fp;
fp = fopen(filename, "rb+");
fseek(fp, -1L*sizeof(STU),SEEK_END);
fwrite(&n, sizeof(STU), 1, fp);
void main()
STU t[N]={ {10001,"MaChao", 91, 92, 77}, {10002,"CaoKai", 75, 60, 88},
{10003,"LiSi", 85, 70, 78}, {10004,"FangFang", 90, 82, 87},
{10005,"ZhangSan", 95, 80, 88}};
STU n={10006,"ZhaoSi", 55, 70, 68}, ss[N];
int i,j; FILE *fp;
fp = fopen("student.dat", "wb");
fwrite(t, sizeof(STU), N, fp);
fp = fopen("student.dat", "rb");
fread(ss, sizeof(STU), N, fp);
printf("\nThe original data :\n\n");
for (j=0; j<N; j++)
printf("\nNo: %ld Name: %-8s Scores: ",ss[j].sno, ss[j].name);
for (i=0; i<3; i++)
     printf("%6.2f ", ss[j].score[i]);
fun("student.dat", n);
printf("\nThe data after modifing :\n\n");
fp = fopen("student.dat", "rb");
fread(ss, sizeof(STU), N, fp);
for (j=0; j<N; j++)
printf("\nNo: %ld Name: %-8s Scores: ",ss[j].sno, ss[j].name);
for (i=0; i<3; i++)
     printf("%6.2f ", ss[j].score[i]);


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