
Effective data collection and analysis isessential for identifying and correcting performance problems. Oracle providesa number of tools that allow a performance engineer to gather informationregarding database performance. In addition to gathering data, Oracle providestools to monitor performance, diagnose problems, and tune applications.


The Oracle gathering and monitoring featuresare mainly automatic, managed by an Oracle background processes. To enableautomatic statistics collection and automatic performance features,the STATISTICS_LEVEL initialization parameter must be setto TYPICAL or ALL. You can administer and display the output ofthe gathering and tuning tools with Oracle Enterprise Manager, or with APIs andviews. For ease of use and to take advantage of its numerous automated monitoringand diagnostic tools, Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Control isrecommended.


See Also:


  • Oracle Database 2 Day DBA for information about using Oracle Enterprise Manager to manage Oracle Database
  • 阅读《2天成为oracleDBA》来获取关于使用oracle企业级管理器管理oracle数据库的更多信息。
  • Oracle Database 2 Day + Performance Tuning Guide for information about using Oracle Enterprise Manager to tune the performance of Oracle Database
  • 阅读《2天成为oracleDBA+性能调优指南》来获取关于使用oracle企业级管理器调优oracle数据库性能的信息。
  • Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for detailed information on the DBMS_ADVISOR, DBMS_SQLTUNE, and DBMS_WORKLOAD_REPOSITORY packages
  • 阅读《oracle数据库 PL/SQL 包和类型指南》来获取关于 数据库管理系统建议工具、数据库管理系统sql调优、数据库管理系统负载库包的详细信息。
  • Oracle Database Reference for information on the STATISTICS_LEVEL initialization parameter
  • 阅读《oracle数据指南》了解更多统计级别初始化参数的消息。


The Oracle automatic performance tuningfeatures include:

oracle 自动性能调优特性包括以下

  • Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) collects, processes, and maintains performance statistics for problem detection and self-tuning purposes. See "Overview of the Automatic Workload Repository".
  • 自动工作信息库收集,加工和维护性能统计信息来检测问题和自我优化。详见自动负载信息库概论。
  • Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) analyzes the information collected by the AWR for possible performance problems with the Oracle database. See "Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor".
  • 自动数据库诊断和监测工具针对oracle数据库可能的性能问题分析了AWR收集的信息。详见自动数据库诊断监控。
  • SQL Tuning Advisor allows a quick and efficient technique for optimizing SQL statements without modifying any statements. See "SQL Tuning Advisor".
  • sql优化建议器 提供了不修改sql语句的一个快速有效的sql优化技术。详见 sql优化建议器。
  • SQLAccess Advisor provides advice on materialized views, indexes, and materialized view logs. See "Automatic SQL Tuning Features" and "Overview of the SQL Access Advisor in the DBMS_ADVISOR Package" for information on SQLAccess Advisor.
  • sql访问建议器 提供了在物化视图,索引,物化视图日志上的一些建议。 请阅读自动sql优化特性和数据库建议包里的sql访问建议器概述。
  • End to End Application tracing identifies excessive workloads on the system by specific user, service, or application component. See "End to End Application Tracing".
  • 端到端的应用程序追踪器能够通过特殊用户服务和应用程序组件来标识出系统上过度负载的地方。详见端到端程序追踪。
  • Server-generated alerts automatically provide notifications when impending problems are detected. See Oracle Database Administrator's Guide for information about monitoring the operation of the database with server-generated alerts.
  • 当问题逼近的时候,服务器产生的告警日志会自动通知。关于用服务器告警日志监控数据运行的更多信息 详见“oracle数据库管理员指南”。
  • Additional advisors that can be launched from Oracle Enterprise Manager, such as memory advisors to optimize memory for an instance. The memory advisors are commonly used when automatic memory management is not set up for the database. Other advisors are used to optimize mean time to recovery (MTTR), shrinking of segments, and undo tablespace settings. For information about using advisors that are available with Oracle Enterprise Manager, see Oracle Database 2 Day + Performance Tuning Guide.
  • oracle企业级管理器能够提供额外的建议参考信息,例如内存建议为实例优化内存。当没有为数据库设置自动内存管理 的时候,内存建议器通常被使用。另外一些建议器被用来优化恢复的平均耗时时间和段的收缩和回滚段空间设置。若要关于使用oracle企业管理器顾问的更多信息,请阅读”两天掌握oracle+性能调优指南”。
  • The Database Performance page in Oracle Enterprise Manager displays host, instance service time, and throughput information for real time monitoring and diagnosis. The page can be set to refresh automatically in selected intervals or manually. For information about the Database Performance page, see Oracle Database 2 Day + Performance Tuning Guide.
  • 数据库企业管理器里的数据库性能笔记显示了主机 实例服务时间、实时的诊断信息和吞吐量。这个笔记能够在选定的时间段内自动刷新或者人工刷新。关于性能调优笔记的更多信息 请阅读”2天掌握oracle数据库+数据库调优指南”。


This section describes additional Oracletools that can be used for determining performance problems.

这部分描述了能够被用来确定oracle性能问题的额外工具. V$开头的性能视图

The V$ views are the performanceinformation sources used by all Oracle performance tuning tools.The V$ views are based on memory structures initialized at instancestartup. The memory structures, and the views that represent them, areautomatically maintained by Oracle throughout the life of the instance.See Chapter 10, "Instance Tuning Using PerformanceViews" for information diagnosing tuning problems usingthe V$ performance views.

V$视图是所有的oracle性能调优工具使用的性能信息的源头。V$视图基于实例启动时被初始化的内存结构。内存结构和代表他们的视图在实例的整个生命周期会被oracle自动维护。请阅读 10章节“使用性能视图的实例优化”来获取使用V$性能视图来诊断调优问题的更多信息。

See Also:

Oracle Database Reference for informationabout dynamic performance views





Oracle recommends using the AutomaticWorkload Repository to gather performance data. These tools have been designedto capture all of the data needed for performance analysis.



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