

 IEditTask task = (this._editor as IEditTaskSearch).get_TaskByUniqueName("GarciaUI_CreateNewFeatureTask");
this._editor.CurrentTask = task;

IEditTask :Provides access to a task that receives notification when the sketch is complete.

The purpose of the IEditTask interface is to take a geometry (the edit sketch) from IEditSketch::Geometry and perform some action with it. Each edit task performs a different operation with this geometry. For example, the CreateNewFeature edit task takes the edit sketch and stores it as a new feature. The Reshape Feature edit task uses the edit sketch to reshape a selected feature. The editor can only have one active edit task at a time, use IEditor::CurrentTask to set this.
All edit tasks implement the IEditTask interface. Edit tasks must be registered in the ESRI Edit Tasks component category to appear in the Edit Task dropdown menu on the Editor toolbar.
IEditTask接口的目的是获取到 IEditSketch::Geometry 的几何对象,以进行下一步的操作.每一个Edit Task使用该几何对象进行不同的操作.比如,CreateNewFeature edit Task使用该几何对象新建要素. ReShape Feature Edit Task 使用该几何对象进行修整要素的几何.

IEditTaskSearch:    Provides access to members that find edit tasks by name.


Edit Task


Create New Feature


Reshape Feature


Cut Polygon Features


Mirror Features


Extend/Trim Features


Modify Feature


Calibrate Route Feature


Modify Portion of Line


Modify Edge


Reshape Edge


Auto Complete Polygon


Select Features Using a Line


Select Features Using an Area


Create 2-Point Line Features



 this._editLayers = this._editor as IEditLayers;

IEditLayers: Provides access to members that control information about layers in the edit session.

The IEditLayers interface exposes members for setting and getting the editor's current layer and current subtype. The current layer (or target layer) determines which layer will contain newly created features. For instance, if you set the target layer to 'Buildings', any new features created will be part of the Buildings layer. Edit tasks and commands that create new features use this property to determine which layer to write out the new features to. For example, the 'Create New Features' task and the 'Union' command both create new features in the target layer.




if (this._lineFeedback == null)
this._lineFeedback = new NewTextBezierCurveFeedbackClass();
this._lineFeedback.Display = this._editor.Display;
this._lineFeedback.Start(this._mousePoint, this._editor.Map.ReferenceScale);

INewLineFeedback: Provides access to members that control the new line display feedback.

The NewLineFeedback coclass allows the user to form a new Polyline geometry on the display. While the feedback is being used, the line shown on the screen is a series of segments made up of straight lines between each of the points clicked by the user. If the user opts to add no intermediate vertices, that is, they simply click at the start point (Start), move the mouse (MoveTo), and double-click at the end (AddPoint and Stop), then a polyline with only one segment will be generated.








 ISnapEnvironment environment = this._editor as ISnapEnvironment;
if (this._mousePoint != null)
this._editor.InvertAgent(this._mousePoint, );
this._mousePoint = this._editor.Display.DisplayTransformation.ToMapPoint(arg.X, arg.Y);
if (KeyboardInfo.GetKeyState(Keys.Space).IsPressed)
this._editor.InvertAgent(this._mousePoint, );
if (this._lineFeedback != null)


上述代码中在MouseMove事件中判断了当前是否按住了 空格键,以实现在按住空格键时临时不捕捉的效果,



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