Personality Insight For Certificate

1.Describe the intended use of the Personality Insights service

As a core service of the IBM Watson platform, the Personality Insights service can help businesses understand their customers at a deeper level. It can help businesses learn their clients' preferences, improve customer satisfaction, and strengthen client relations. Businesses can use these insights to improve client acquisition, retention, and engagement, and to guide highly personalized engagements and interactions to better tailor their products, services, campaigns, and communications for individual clients.

2.Describe the inputs and outputs of the Personality Insights service

To analyze content, you use the HTTP POST request method to call the profile method of the Personality Insights service. You can pass the service a maximum of 20 MB of content to be analyzed via the body of the request, but the service requires far less input to produce an accurate personality profile

 To pass JSON input content, you use the ContentListContainer object. The object includes an array of ContentItem objects, each of which contains an element of the content. The only required field of the object is content, which provides the text to be analyzed.

IBM recommends that you provide at least 1200 words of input text.Providing 3000 words is sufficient to achieve the service's maximum precision. You must submit at least 100 words; otherwise, the service reports an error. If you submit fewer than 600 words, the service reports a warning but still analyzes the input text.


     Content-Type:  text/plain, text/html, application/json

Language: Arabic, English, Japanese, Spanish


Content-Type: Json , CSV

3. Describe the personality models of the Personality Insights service

Personality Insights analytics are developed based on the psychology of language in combination with data analytics algorithms. The characteristics are described in terms of three models:



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