


  1. 前端技术栈

    • Angular / React / Vue
    • Responsive Web Design with Twitter Bootstrap
    • HTML5 Boilerplate
    • Compatible with modern browsers
    • Full internationalization support
    • Sass
    • Optional WebSocket support with Spring Websocket
    • Easy installation of new JavaScript libraries with NPM
    • Build, optimization and live reload with Webpack
    • Testing with Jest and Protractor
    • Support for the Thymeleaf template engine, to generate Web pages on the server side
  2. 后端技术栈
    • Spring Boot
    • Maven or Gradle configuration for building, testing and running the application
    • “development” and “production” profiles (both for Maven and Gradle)
    • Spring Security
    • Spring MVC REST + Jackson
    • Optional WebSocket support with Spring Websocket
    • Spring Data JPA + Bean Validation
    • Database updates with Liquibase
    • Elasticsearch support if you want to have search capabilities on top of your database
    • MongoDB and Couchbase support if you’d rather use a document-oriented NoSQL database instead of JPA
    • Cassandra support if you’d rather use a column-oriented NoSQL database instead of JPA
    • Kafka support if you want to use a publish-subscribe messaging system
  3. 微服务技术栈
    • HTTP routing using Netflix Zuul or Traefik
    • Service discovery using Netflix Eureka or HashiCorp Consul
  4. 生产部署涉及到的技术栈
    • Monitoring with Metrics and the ELK Stack
    • Caching with ehcache (local cache), hazelcast or Infinispan
    • Optimized static resources (gzip filter, HTTP cache headers)
    • Log management with Logback, configurable at runtime
    • Connection pooling with HikariCP for optimum performance
    • Builds a standard WAR file or an executable JAR file
    • Full Docker and Docker Compose support
    • Support for all major cloud providers: AWS, Cloud Foundry, Heroku, Kubernetes, OpenShift, Azure, Docker…


  1. 其他技术细节


  1. sql只修改第一二行数据
  2. tcp通信:多进程共享listen socket方式
  3. WCF中的数据契约(DataContract)
  4. 关于web页面JApplet打印小票
  5. 一、Java JUC简介
  6. rest_famework 认证与权限组件
  7. Jenkins不能及时更新svn到最新代码
  8. particles.js中文开发手册
  9. 1ink 与 @import 的区别
  10. python---map 用法 [转载]
  11. css定位研究
  12. Thinkphp 图片上传
  13. MVC4升级到MVC5未能加载文件或程序集System.Web.WebPages.Razor, Version=
  14. maven仓库地址配置
  15. TF随笔-10
  16. 微信小程序文档里看不到的小Tips
  17. js高级程序设计 笔记 --- 引用类型
  18. CodeForces - 622F:The Sum of the k-th Powers (拉格朗日插值法求自然数幂和)
  19. Unity3D游戏轻量级xlua热修复框架
  20. X明X源面试题《一》


  1. css---移动端网站专属BUG【苹果手机】
  2. MQTT研究之EMQ:【EMQX使用中的一些问题记录(1)】
  3. 列表初始化 分析initializer_list<T>的实现
  4. window 安装使用npm
  5. python网络编程 - tcp
  6. VLOOKUP使用方法
  7. 分布式ID生成总结
  8. net core 环境部署的坑
  9. Zero-shot User Intent Detection via Capsule Neural Networks
  10. 前端向后端获取数据的三种方法:ajax、axios、fetch