参考:Tweet Object

参考:Geo Objects

参考:User Object

Ref: Place data dictionary

Tweet Object

Attribute Type Description
created_at String UTC time
id Int64 unique identifier
id_str String unique identifier
text String actual UTF-8 text
source String Tweet's source value,e.g. web or phone
truncated Boolean whether the text was truncated or not
in_reply_to_status_id Int64 None: not a reply
or the original Tweet's ID
in_reply_to_status_id_str String string representation
in_reply_to_user_id Int64 None: not a reply
or the original Tweet's author ID
in_reply_to_user_id_str String string representation
in_reply_to_screen_name  String None: not a reply
or the screen name of the original Tweet's author
user User object The user who posted this Tweet.

Array of
Array of
Array of

A series of longitude and latitude points, defining a box which will
contain the Place entity this bounding box is related to.
[longitude, latitude]
four pairs of points
type String The type of data encoded in the coordinates property.
This will be "Polygon" for bounding boxes and "Points" for Tweets
with extra coordinates.
lang  String  "lang": "en" 
geo  Object  Deprecated attribute, Tweet geo is formatted as [lat, lon]. 
place  Places  

User Object

Attribute Type Description
id Int64 The integer representation of the unique identifier for this User.
id_str String string representation
name String The name of the user.
screen_name String screen_names are unique but subject to change.
location String The user-defined location for this account's profile. Not necessarily a location, nor machine-parseable.
geo_enabled Boolean whether this user enable geo or not

Place data dictionary

Attribute Type Description
place_type String The type of location represented by this place.
"place_type": "city"
name String Short human-readable representation of the place's name.
"name": "Manhattan"
full_name String Short human-readable representation of the place's name.
"full_name": "Manhattan, NY"
country_code String Shortened country code representing the country containing this place.
"country_code": "US"
country String Name of the country containing this place.
"country": "United States"
bounding_box Object A bounding box of coordinates which encloses this place.

"bounding_box": {
"coordinates": [
"type": "Polygon"

Spatio-Temporal realated attributes:

  • created_at
  • coordinates
  • geo
  • user
    • location
    • created_at
    • geo_enabled (deprecated)
  • place
    • name
    • full_name
    • place_type
    • country_code
    • country
    • bounding_box


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