import os
import datetime
import time def execute_rpt_db_full_effe_cainiao_city():
flag = True
while flag:
# 判断该文件是否存在
# os.path.isfile("/home/ytospid/opt/docker/jsc_spider/jsc_spider/log/call_proc.log")
# 存在则获取昨天日期字符串
yesterday = datetime.datetime.now()+ datetime.timedelta(-1)
yesterday_str = datetime.datetime.strftime(yesterday,'%Y%m%d')
# 判断该日志文件中是否包含该字符串,如果存在则表示今日数据已经爬完入库 with open('/home/ytospid/opt/docker/jsc_spider/jsc_spider/log/call_proc.log') as f:
for line in f.readlines():
if yesterday_str in line:
# 再执行30场景检查该表
os.system("robot -i rpt_db_full_effe_cainiao_city -l case30_log.html -r case30_report.html -o case30_output.xml /home/ytospid/opt/spider_monitor/菜鸟指数爬虫监控/01_测试用例/接口测试用例/菜鸟指数爬虫结果监控.txt")
# print line
print '已执行30场景'
flag = False
return 'OK'
print u'休眠5秒'
execute_rpt_db_full_effe_cainiao_city() if __name__ == '__main__':

例子: 每5秒检查一次test.txt文件,如果出现“hello”,则打开计算器,

import os,time

def execute():

    with open('test.txt') as f:
for line in f.readlines():
if 'hello' in line:
print '休息10秒再试试'
execute() if __name__ == '__main__':


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