


1. 普通模式下输入“:set mouse-=a”,有效

2. .vimrc中添加:

if has('mouse')
set mouse-=a


The mouse can be enabled for different modes:
n Normal mode
v Visual mode
i Insert mode
c Command-line mode
h all previous modes when editing a help file
a all previous modes
r for |hit-enter| and |more-prompt| prompt
Normally you would enable the mouse in all four modes with:
:set mouse=a
When the mouse is not enabled, the GUI will still use the mouse for
modeless selection. This doesn't move the text cursor.
所以配置文件中,set moues=a启动了所有模式,屏蔽了鼠标右键功能

但,我的 .vimrc文件并没这配置,最终发现:

无需修改任何配置,鼠标选中,按y键 -- 复制, 然后按 鼠标中键 粘贴,支持跨文件复制粘贴
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