在进行数据交换时,如果主键不是整型,需要对字符串,或联合主键拼接为字符串,进行hash,再进行取模分片,使用的是String自带的hashCode()方法,本来是件很方便的事,但是有些字符串取hashCode竟然是负数,使得分片为负数,找不到对应的分片,我们先看一下String 生成hashCode的代码:

* Returns a hash code for this string. The hash code for a
* {@code String} object is computed as
* <blockquote><pre>
* s[0]*31^(n-1) + s[1]*31^(n-2) + ... + s[n-1]
* </pre></blockquote>
* using {@code int} arithmetic, where {@code s[i]} is the
* <i>i</i>th character of the string, {@code n} is the length of
* the string, and {@code ^} indicates exponentiation.
* (The hash value of the empty string is zero.)
* @return a hash code value for this object.
public int hashCode() {
int h = hash;
if (h == 0 && value.length > 0) {
char val[] = value; for (int i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
h = 31 * h + val[i];
hash = h;
return h;

主要是根据字符串中字符的ascii码值来计算的,即 31  * hash + 字符的ASCII码值,int型的值取值范围为Integer.MIN_VALUE(-2147483648)~Integer.MAX_VALUE(2147483647),所以如果字符串比较长,计算的数值就可能超出Integer.MAX_VALUE,造成数值溢出,值变成负数


        String hashStr0 = "35953305172933/";
System.out.println(hashStr0.hashCode()); // 2147483647 Integer.MAX_VALUE
System.out.println(Math.abs(hashStr0.hashCode())); // 2147483647 Integer.MAX_VALUE
String hashStr = "359533051729330";
System.out.println(hashStr.hashCode()); // -2147483648 Integer.MIN_VALUE
System.out.println(Math.abs(hashStr.hashCode())); // -2147483648 Integer.MIN_VALUE
String hashStr2 = "56800004874";
System.out.println(hashStr2.hashCode()); // -2082984168
System.out.println(Math.abs(hashStr2.hashCode())); //
String hashStr3 = "";
System.out.println(hashStr3.hashCode()); //
System.out.println(Math.abs(hashStr3.hashCode())); //



int hash = str.hashCode() & Integer.MAX_VALUE;
2147483647 Integer.MAX_VALUE


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