A dataset in Reporting Services is not the same type of object as an ADO.Net dataset.  A report dataset is an internal object managed by the SSRS runtime (it's actually derived from a DataReader object) and not an XML structure containing datatables, etc. and cannot be passed into the report's custom code.

我们在SSRS中创建了DataSet,然后试图通过Customer Code来访问该DataSet。在一番查询之后,发现似乎没有办法直接在Customer Code中调用DataSet...

然而,Customer Code是可以访问Parameter的,而Parameter又和DataSet能够关联,于是就有了如下的方案来实现Customer Code 遍历DataSet。



Select 1 As 'Id',1000 As 'Name' Union All
Select 2 As 'Id',2000 As 'Name'


在General页签,选择Data Type为Text,Allow multiple values为True,Hidden为True

在Availabe Values页签,选择Get values from a query,DataSet选择Test_DataSet,Value Filed选择Id,Label Field选择Name

在Default Values页签,选择Get vaules from a query,DataSet选择Test_DateSet,Value Field选择Id

在Advanced页签,选择Never refresh

3,选中Report,查看属性,在Code中输入如下Vb Code


Public Function GetValue(Id As Integer) As String
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 to Report.Parameters!Test_Parameter.Count() - 1
If Report.Parameters!Test_Parameter.Value(i) = Id Then
GetValue = Report.Parameters!Test_Parameter.Label(i)
Exit For
End If
Next i
End Function



Preview Report,该单元格中显示值1000


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