2017年4月16日 一周AnswerOpenCV佳作赏析

1、HelloHow to smooth edge of text in binary image, based on threshold.Something like anti-aliasing by openCv?example



    Mat mInput,mOutput;
    Mat mChannel[];
    ; i ; i,mOutput_Bgr);
    Mat mGSmooth,mDiff,mAbsDiff;
    mOutput ,),radius); 
    ; id  ; i );
    RNG rng();
    findContours( mThres.clone(), contours, hierarchy, RETR_TREE, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE );
    ; i])), , , vector, Point() );
        ])), , , vector, Point() );
    imshow("2) Smooth Edges",mSmoothEdge);




    Mat mGSmooth,mDiff,mAbsDiff;
    mOutput ,),radius); 
    Mat dst;


In my project, I apply findcontours function to detect a rectangular object within a region of interest in the image. I am doing it in real time. Subsequently, I enclose the detected contour by a boundedrect which gives me its four vertices. However, the position of these vertices is not stable, it is changing very fast. Looks like the contour area is growing and shrinking, and have variations which causes the vertices' position to change. I have tried following solutions, but to no avail.

  1. Low pass filtering on the output of pixel positions.
  2. Median and Gaussian blur within the ROI.
  3. FastNlmeansDenoising: which is too slow for my application.

,), Scalar());

, , );

dilate(img, img, Mat(), Point(,));

//cout << "Inside corrected corners p3.5" << endl;

findContours(img, contours, CV_RETR_LIST, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_NONE);

// cout<<contours.size()<<endl;

//  Mat tempimg(img.rows, img.cols, CV_8U, cv::Scalar(0));

//  drawContours( tempimg, contours, -1, Scalar(255), 3, CV_AA );

//  namedWindow("contours", CV_WINDOW_NORMAL);

//  imshow("contours", tempimg);

//  cout << "Inside corrected corners p4" << endl;

这个问题在AnswerOpenCV上也是讨论的很激烈,但是大多数还是从去噪音这个思路来说的 。



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