Experiment Ⅰ ——getting familiar with JDK (Linux + Eclipse)


1.Compile and run easy Java programs using JDK;
2.Edit, compile, run and debug in Eclipse.


Java in the terminal:

Running in the Idea:


View variables at breakpoint:

Step into:

Step over:

Set breakpoint:

Problem & Solution

The demand is easy, while I had no idea about the way of encapsulation for the lack of experience. Our aim is to calculate all the prime from 1 to N, so it should be written as a method. So I new a class called 'Prime'. When I initialise the variable in the class, it turned out error. The assistant professor told me that all the operations should be written in Constructor or Method. Then I put the initialization in the Constructor. Problem solved!

step time percentage
demand analyse 0 0%
design 20min 30.76%
code 20min 30.76%
test 20min 30.76%
summarize 5min 7.69%

PS : code


  1. MSSQL部分补丁的列表及下载地址(持续更新)
  2. textarea元素只设置高可变,宽固定
  3. asp.net4.5尚未在web服务器上注册 解决方案
  4. [Word]中批量修改图片大小和缩放比例方法
  5. DropDownList控件
  6. python中set集合
  7. 深入浅出WPF(1)—转(http://liutiemeng.blog.51cto.com/120361/91631/)
  8. pl/sql programming 15 数据提取
  9. 离线安装Android开发环境的方法
  10. Decimal
  11. poj 1011 Sticks (DFS+剪枝)
  12. android PopupWindow显示位置
  13. Android利用canvas画各种图形 及Paint用法 .
  14. Spring思维导图(MVC篇)
  15. Linux入门(6)——Ubuntu16.04安装atom
  16. java_IO流读取本地文件
  17. git 命令笔记
  18. java Swing小知识点
  19. android 性能优化 -- 启动过程 冷启动 热启动
  20. [javaSE] 网络编程(概述)


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  2. mysql 暴力破解 root账号密码
  3. win7物理主机与虚拟XP系统互相ping不通解决方法
  4. spring 项目升级到spring cloud记录 数据源配置
  5. sizeWithFont:方法使用明细
  6. PowerDesign 使用 用户自定义字段类型 domain 后 生成物理模型图 生成的sql脚本 类型 替换问题
  7. Poj3087
  8. 《从零开始学Swift》学习笔记(Day 62)——Core Foundation框架之内存托管对象与非托管对象
  9. JRE not compatible with workspace .class file compatibility: 1.7
  10. 理解PHP中会话控制